Project 365

Week 14

We had an unexpected evening out to see Chas & Dave in their farewell concert tour. Not my first choice of concert but I thoroughly enjoyed the singing and dancing. They were really good fun to listen to. We had dreadful seats for the first half but were able to move and enjoy the rest of the concert with a much better view.
Ben returned home on Sunday in time to enjoy my roast lamb Mothering Sunday lunch. Boys and their stomachs!
Lotta came to visit this week. I really love having her here. I love her tiny shoes and girly things but best of all I love to hear her and my boy laughing.
I linked to the Project 64 photo colour challenge. I found lots for Burnt Sienna. I love how the challenge opens my eyes to what is around me.
I had some hyacinths in the house this week; I love their natural heady perfume. (Always a good thing to have around you when you own a greyhound!). As I was taking the leaves off and cutting the bases I noticed some tiny new shoots and thought I would watch them for a few days. Very serendipitous indeed! Then by the following weekend the little shoots were flowering, how beautiful nature is.

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