I saw this today

In January I was visiting in a lovely village near where I live and saw a field of snowdrops, I took some photos of course, they were so beautiful and there were so many!
Yesterday I drove past the same field and it was full of bluebells and cowslips.

I have always loved cowslips. The garden I have now is the only garden I have not been able to grow them in (I suspect the clay) so imagine my heart when I saw this, it soared.
The lady I visited said, since she was a little girl, it had been her dream to go into a field like this one and pick a bunch of cowslips.
Do you have a dream like this?

4 thoughts on “I saw this today

  1. What a beautiful field! I would love to be out there taking photographs. I can see my daughter in her Easter dress dancing around and modeling for me =)

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