Blogging For Scrapbookers

Prompt 2

How much to share.
I think when I consider what to share on my blog, common sense is my guide. I think it is a very difficult thing to balance wanting to be open & honest and talk from the heart and remembering to type in code. I have to confess to being absolutely hopeless at consistency! I just, simply, forget.
We have a system at work that involves red crosses, yellow dots, purple lines, Oh I do try, honest I do but I fail every time.
I try to make my pictures all look the same, size or shape or overlay… hopeless!
Headings, now there’s a thing that drives my husband mad! if I have heading one in one post and bold in another, I can hear the intake of breath! Still at least I know when he has read the blog.
In my work I am very circumspect about what I tell people about myself. I think that it is a survival thing with me, I can’t support people through difficult times If I can’t be completely detached from them.
When I talk with people I can be more measured in what I talk about but when I write/type, everything in my mind just pours onto the page! I would never make a crime or mystery writer, I would give the plot away in the first paragraph.

Journalling reads
Just another “Why?”
I remember teaching my son the names of the birds as we walked the dog along our local beach.
It was in the spring when the black headed gulls still had their winter markings, a black spot over their eyes.
We were watching the herring gulls gliding on the wind, the black headed gulls were standing in the surf.
“Do you see these gulls with the black spot over their eyes? They are the black headed gulls.
“Why are they called black headed when they aren’t?”
“Just now they still have their winter markings, in a few months they will all have a beautiful black head” I said.
“ How do they know when to change their outfits?” said my lad who was, and still is, clothes mad!

I thought about Shimelle’s prompt and made this page, then I went back and took out the names of the people and the place.
Definitely something for me to learn here.
The page is not finished because I just can’t work out how to do what I want to do. I’ll get back to it.

2 thoughts on “Blogging For Scrapbookers

  1. Miriam this is just the sort of story I love to capture on a page! It is hard to walk the fine line between public and private on the blog, I always feel as though my posts need to have some authenticity to them but I am at pains to not closely identify my family and friends.

  2. It may not be finished, but it’s rather fabulous already! It made me smile 🙂 And a thoughtful post all round, thanks for sharing xx

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