Blogging For Scrapbookers

Prompt 1

Shimelle’s new class started on Monday this week. As usual I am days behind!
Blogging and Scrapbooking, Well I eventually got the blog up and running but the scrapbooking fell by the way side. I am hopeless at keeping up with the forum, as you can see, its the 24th, class started on 21st! Hey Ho, that’s me.
I don’t have my stash available to me just now so I decided to learn photoshop and try digital scrapbooking. Something else I said I would never do! Does that happen to you?
“today we’ll start simply with a blog post and perhaps a scrapbook page with our intentions for this project…”

I have had this template long before I knew how to use them, I was going to ‘lift’ it as a LO for another one of my lists but never got ’round to it. Today I have put my new skills to use and made a LO using photoshop with my shopping list of what I hope this class will help me achieve! If I get to the forum as well I may give myself a badge!!

LO 2P’s Queen of Quirk

3 thoughts on “Blogging For Scrapbookers

  1. lol! I think I just saw you on the forum, so that’s definitely worth a badge – great layout, and thoughtful journaling, good for you xx

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