Project 365

Week 10

5th Oxford Helen & Douglas house
6th Lenten Rose in flower at the hospice
7th My favourite work day, singing about the weather this week. It was the most beautiful spring day today.
8th Eva
9th Felt necklace from Karen
10th This weeks colour is plum
11th A longed for day off

This was a very sad and difficult week for all of us.
On Saturday we went to visit Alec and the family at the hospice in Oxford, a wonderful but painful visit for everyone.
The little boy lost his battle with cancer on Tuesday morning, which was also the 7th anniversary of Mums passing. Ben went over to stay with his cousins; Paul went to work in the city, that left me & Pepsi, home alone.
Playing with textures in photoshop takes me away from everything. The picture for 8th was a tiny vase and flowers that sat on top of the cake I made for Mum’s 70th birthday in 1997. I put a lovely texture over it. My friend Karen gave me the felt necklace for my birthday. The new handbag is the colour of a plum! Friday we are all home together x

Thank you Alexa, I based the LO on one of your Dec Days templates which I can’t now find on your blog…sorry

2 thoughts on “Project 365

  1. That does sound like it was a tough week, I am sorry. I’m glad you had the chance to be together. Sending lots of love and prayers your way xx

  2. I am very saddened by the loss in your family, Miriam, and thinking of you … Your page is lovely, and glad that you have been able to find solace in creativity and taking photos. Warmest regards …

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