Project 365

Week 9

The weekend on the island with the family resulted in lots of lovely photo’s for me to play with.
I am hoping to have taken some that will become textures. I signed up for another class with Kim Klassen, I love her texture projects.
We spent Saturday at Freshwater and along the coast watching the waves and looking for dinosaur casts and Sunday recovering from the great night out on Saturday evening. We drove home on Sunday in the worst weather we had ever driven in! It was hard to get up for work on Monday but my singing group called to me.
I have decided to follow along with Project 64; A weekly photographic prompt about colour; this week is White and Words to shoot by; a monthly prompt about words. This time the word is sweet.
I want to incorporate them into this project.
We had another viewing this week, which is always stressful but memories of a wonderful family weekend kept me going. Tulips are Paul’s favourite flower.

Thank you Alexa, the LO is based on one of your Dec Days templates. I can’t find the direct link to them on your blog sorry!

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