
There are so many berries on the trees here, I’m a bit obsessed with photographing them!
I’m linking my Red Berries with Helena’s Snap! Week 42

Oh! I’ve just realised in 10 weeks…. No, don’t go there.

Week 42 Berries

Week 42 Berries

Week 42 Berries

Week 42 Berries

Thanks Helena

Does anyone know the name of this berry/shrub?img_2487

10 thoughts on “Snap!

  1. Colourful SNAP collection. We are both in like minds this week (col). What you called Rowan, looks very similar to what we call Mountain Ash (although not a true ash). No idea of what the bottom photo is of.

  2. beautiful – it does seem to be a good season for berries and yes I’ve noticed rather a lot of holly berries. Don’t know that intriguing orange and white berry

  3. Lovely berries. No I don’t know. Have you googled it? I think like mine 5 is passable. After all the last one is just a query isn’t it? Just as miy first was just setting the theme….

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