5 in 5

With Sandie at Itchifingers

Take as many photos as possible in five minutes and post five of them here..

We went to the zoo! we haven’t been for so long.
The penguins are a favourite of ours so I took loads of photos in five minutes. Here are five of my favourites.
The penguins were walking about in pairs, it was very sweet to watch them and the enclosure was incredibly smelly! Thank goodness this isn’t smell-a-blog I’m sure you would feint!
The children were all complaining very loudly, the parents were telling them to keep quiet, very loudly and the birds that live with the penguins were squawking louder that the rest put together! I was glad to leave but thrilled to be able to look at the penguins in the quiet and odour free place that is my room.






And the birds, Inca Terns, that live with the penguins.


Thank you Sandie

5 thoughts on “5 in 5

  1. This made me laugh Miriam! I never knew penguins smelt so bad, so, brave you standing there long enough to take these photos!
    The penguins certainly do look cute and the inca terns are quite stunning. I’ve not seen these birds before and you’ve reminded me that it is years since I have been to a zoo too. Thank you for taking part. I enjoyed your post and hope you enjoyed the rest of your zoo visit.

  2. I’m not going to say anything Miriam except you wait for my Snap tomorrow…. Lovely pictures of the penguins. Shame about the smell. Two funny stories about school trips to the zoo that I have been told. One about a little boy who got into the enclosure with the penguins and another about a little boy who was found to have a penguin in his bag to take home. Poor teachers!

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