
Week 30

I think my Snap collection this week, is particularly apt for Helena

Yarn over the graves

We visited Arnos Vale Cemetery in Bristol recently. Who would have thought a cemetery would be so interesting?

Although having said that, I was reminded how much my mother used to love being taken to our local cemetery. We would push her wheelchair miles around the graves, she would send us to look for ‘so&so’ or ‘whatshisname’ who she was sure was buried ‘just over there’

Anyway, During July at Arnos Vale there are so many interesting guided walks and talks but nothing on the day we went! so we just ambled along following the trail on a map we had, spotting various headstones, obelisks and secret signs. It is a very old cemetery with the first burial in 1839. We were both saddened by the very young age of a lot of the folks buried there. We were amused that so many folk just ‘fell asleep’ We promised each other that we would poke each other a lot to check for vital signs before…too much information.

I was intrigued, however, by this yarn bombing!






Thank you Helena.

7 thoughts on “Snap

  1. I’m hoping to go on one of their guided walks soon so I’ll let you know how I get on. I’ve heard good reports about them.

    I didn’t expect to ever see yarn bombing in a cemetery!

  2. You remind me that we want to do a guided walk of Mt. Hope Cemetery. We live within walking distance, and have never done one of the guided walks. I wander through there occasionally for photos or sketching, but I’ve never seen any yarn bombs.

  3. Well I have never seen anything like that in a cemetery but doesn’t it look great? Cemeteries are fascinating places. They tell so many stories. I won’t of course mention anything about…… I’ll just say …. five?!!

  4. A very cool SNAP collection. Yarn bombing, I like that term. The spider web is particularly interesting.

    Old cemeteries tell so much about life (death) in the community. You can often see when an epidemic went through the area.

    Yes keep poking your sweetie! 🙂

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