Saturday Situation


At least for Pepsi. The thing is, although my husband is a star he just doesn’t speak enough dog to calm her. Also he doesn’t have dog bearing hips or legs.


My return home was unexpected but so welcome. It’s amazing how the days meld into each other and get lost in hospital.
There’s little distinction between day and night either. Staff have a list of procedures that have to be done to keep their patient up together, heading in the right direction, and making progress.
Numbers must be spot on.
Too high: lie down, rest, drink water and try not too worry.
Too low: lie down, rest, eat a biscuit (plain mind!) drink water and try not too worry.

As I was waiting to be discharged en route to the ‘discharge lounge’ sounds awful doesn’t it? It was. Every bit as awful as you could imagine. I was laughing with the student nurses who suggested that I might be able to get some rest at home! They have a list of procedures that have to be performed at a certain time and it doesn’t matter whether it’s 2:00 am or 2:00 pm.
Anyhow, the staff were, of course, wonderful, soothing, comforting, gentle and caring (well except one but you always get that don’t you?)

Any how I just wanted to say thank you for your messages of support and sorry I couldn’t get yesterday’s six words post up. If I’m up and about over the weekend I’ll just post it late.

I am making this post on my iPad – a first for me. Will it work? Actually if it does work I’ll try to write and post my six words from here (bed)

For those that wondered, yes there was pain, a lot of pain and more to come as the gall bladder has to come out! Yikes!!!

Anyone know who ended June?


6 thoughts on “Saturday Situation

  1. Well that’s answered that question. I have been in London all day and as I climbed into bed I was wondering whether it was to late to text and see how you are. Decided it was! So glad to hear how you have escaped. I’ve had mine out if that is any consolation and believe me it’s worth it.
    I write my blog on my iPad all the time. I think you use a different blog company but I use a combination of a blogger app and safari

  2. I like how your daisy worm hole seems to represent your description of your time in hospital – hope you are now more comfortable

  3. Glad you are home, sorry I’ve been MIA and missed this news. Been there, done that. Had mine out six weeks after my twins were born. It can be done laparoscopically and the incisions are very small. I haven’t been able to eat any cruciferous vegetables since having it out though!

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