Short Stories

In Six Words

This weeks word from the list is Heart

24 heart

Apologies for the lateness of this! I can hardly believe I’m not well again! I’ve been laid up since last weekend with what my GP suspects might be gallstones! It is certainly painful and sitting at my desk is so uncomfortable.
I’m posting to Instagram because I can do that from bed in a new position I have found that is fairly comfortable! Obviously over the week I have tried many things!!!! Joely Moley.

Thank you for such happy thoughts and pictures last week 🙂

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8 thoughts on “Short Stories

  1. That is a lovely photo of the rose – such a pretty colour.

    Sorry to hear you are not well – I will send you lots of positivist healing energy, gall bladder woes can certainly be troublesome to correct.

  2. So sorry to hear about the gallstones. I’ve known several people who’ve suffered from them and they described absolutely awful pain. I hope it passes soon. Your photo, as always, is stunning!

  3. Ouch, Miriam, that sounds very painful indeed :(. Hoping the rest helps and that you are getting good medical care. Your rose is so very pretty …

  4. Aw, no! I think we have all heard those stories about how painful they can be, so I’m wishing you all the very best with whatever treatment is decided upon. And quickly too x

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