
Week 23

Dear Helena (and the sharp eyed Maggie!)
Please forgive me, I have overstepped the brief. I wanted to post nine pictures in a slide show, kind of making just one picture but I can’t make it work so I have five stills instead. Love Miriam x

My Snap this week for Helelna’s lovely meme is Let’s do lunch






Thank you Helena

6 thoughts on “Snap!

  1. that middle one had me almost gagging in sympathy – interesting reflex reaction. Fabulous set and lets just say I just created my piece for 6 word story for tomorrow and you can return the favour of forgiving rule bending then !

  2. Five pictures Miriam tut tut . What can I say? Great pictures. What on earth is he eating ? Looks like a starfish, then a crab and then a starfish again. Or has he been sick?

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