Me, Right Now…an update

Four weeks ago today I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.

A lot has happened to me during those weeks, but the last visit to the hospital on 29th July resulted in the knowledge that by removing my womb, my cancer went with it. Wonderful news!

I’m so glad I remained positive and cheerful throughout those 4 weeks, the many trips to hospital and the many phone calls both made and received. I am sure it will help me with the next steps.

The surgery also removed everything in the pelvis area that ‘you don’t need, including your appendix’ the surgeon told me. Unfortunately, I have been left with a “high risk” of the cancer re-occurring in the one place I have left. The top of my vagina, now stitched closed at the join where my cervix was and the lymph nodes in the pelvic area. So, the oncologist has advised me to have 25 sessions of radiotherapy to give me the best chance. As soon as I am recovered from the surgery the next stage will begin. 5 daily sessions at the Bristol hospital for 5 weeks.

I am praying for strength and positivity to get me through. Can I ask you to send your prayers/positive thoughts out to me again? You have all been so wonderful to me during the past few weeks. I have had so many cards, e-mails, comments on my blog and get well wishes on Instagram that I have been truly overwhelmed.

Before I went in to hospital for my operation I punched hearts out of card stock and wrote on the back of each one the names of my family, friends, blog friends, IG friends and people I hardly know then I put the paper hearts into a pretty box and took it with me. A box of love sat on my table for 5 days. Now I have put them into a box frame and hung it on my wall right here where I can see them each time I spend a little time on my Mac.

Thank you again for all the love. You are very special people x

Every heart carries a message of love


I am still posting to Instagram, you can find me here.

12 thoughts on “Me, Right Now…an update

  1. Oh that is wonderful news that your doctors feel they removed all the cancer, Miriam! I will continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers as you continue treatment. I just LOVE the frame with the hearts – such a lovely idea! xo

  2. Can’t tell you how happy I was to see your post in my Feedly, and then to read that the surgery was successful. You know you’ll stay in my thoughts and prayers for the weeks ahead! Stay strong!

  3. That is good news although I can understand your trepidation at the need for further treatment. I love the idea of the hearts to remind you of everyone ‘s concern. Take care.

  4. So glad to see you! I have been hoping for positive news and wondering how you are … What a lovely thing to do: hoping the box of love sustained and nourished you. And thank-you for the Instagram link; not being on it, I never quite know how to access it. I will indeed be sending you warmest thoughts and energy for the radiotherapy, rest assured. Every day. xxx

  5. Lots of warm and healing energy being sent your way. So glad to hear the good news and will stay positive that further treatment will be successful and take care of the rest!

    • So pleased as was sending positve thoughts to you each day. I felt your heart was happy in your recent ig feed. You are able to reach out to others and that in my experience is what makes others come to you. Feel that strength in the next part of your journey.

  6. Very bad blog friend checking in…..and what great news…..little ‘bullet’ prayers have been winging their way upwards on a regular basis and will continue to do so. I love your box of hearts…what a wonderful idea..take care my friend xx

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