Me Right Now

My whole world changed on the last day of June 2015, just a week ago tomorrow. Since January 2015 I have been having some health issues. Oh! how disconnected that little phrase sounds. Investigations followed a visit to my GP: bloods, scans, examinations, operation, biopsy then result.

There’s no easy or gentle way to tell you that I have been diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer.

By the end of the week I will have had a CT scan and will have a date for my surgery: total hysterectomy. My consultant told me it will be a success and I will go on to live a long and full life. He also said I was young (in the operation & recovery sense I supposed), I feel the poor man is either loosing his sight or needs new glasses!

I am absolutely fine, strong as an ox mentally if not physically! I believe the operation will successfully remove the cancer. Obviously, there is the possibility that it has gone elsewhere, but a scan in my local hospital on Friday 10th will have the answer to that. Unfortunately I won’t know until just before my Op.

I am choosing to believe what my consultant told me.
I am choosing to believe that once free of the bits of me that are causing pain and sleepless nights I will be well again.
I am choosing to go through a rough few months with a positive mind set.
I promise to be a good patient for Paul who is my rock (this will be the hardest thing for me).

Ben & Lotta have been wonderful; as have my family and friends who sprinkle my day with texts, phone calls and laughter. Ben made me laugh so much after he looked up the details of my operation and said, “Oh! definitely no brother or sister then?”. A very funny 26 year old young man…

To people that don’t understand blogging, posting this is a strange thing to do, but as I have so many of you and your families in my constant thoughts, it seems natural for me to ask you – my blogging friends – to add me to your thoughts and prayers.

I am keeping my hands busy and my mind occupied, which is why I’m still posting to Instagram, still taking pictures and still blogging: all be it at a reduced frequency. I do feel I overloaded myself in June! Typical of me!

Please send all positive thoughts and good vibrations here


20 thoughts on “Me Right Now

  1. Oh my goodness, Miriam, I am so sorry to read this post and know that you are having this health challenge. You know my thoughts and prayers are with you on this journey! I am already very impressed with your positive attitude and commitment with getting through this. It won’t be easy, but I know you will have a lot of love and support along the way – including that from me and the rest of our blog friends. Much love and hugs to you, dear one! xo

  2. Miriam. I am so sorry to hear this news. My thoughts will most certainly be with you. I have only met you the once but you seem a strong vibrant lady to get through this.
    With love and best wishes
    Maggie xx

  3. Thanks for the lovely postcard, received yesterday when I got back from my weekend away. Sending positive vibes your way x x x

  4. A steady stream of bolstering thoughts flowing your way. Funny this blogging thing that yes it feels right to share such news.

  5. A huge stack of positive thoughts coming from all of us here, straight to you and those supporting you. You can do this. I’m not going to be around for the next couple of imagine those thoughts travelling across the sea and wishing you well until I get back (and beyond. Obviously.) xx

  6. I’m so sorry to hear this news Miriam. You are, most definitely, in my thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of positive vibes and virtual hugs your way. xx

  7. Oh, Miriam! I feel for you. We went through something similar several years ago—to a very good outcome! Still, just the mention of the “C” word is disconcerting. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers. We are all part of a bigger family these days with our blogs!!

  8. Oh, Miriam, I had a feeling something wasn’t quite right with you, but I didn’t imagine this! You will be in my thoughts and daily prayers! It’s such a frightening diagnosis, but so encouraging that the surgery will take care of it. I’m sure your emotions have been on a roller coaster this last week. Thank you for sharing it with us, so we can be your cheerleaders, and don’t hesitate to ask for support that can be given from afar!

  9. oooooh miriam, what to say, what to say??!! truth is, there is nothing one can say to truly express their feelings in a time like this. everyone searches their soul for the right words, words that will somehow, make a difference, provide some comfort. i’m not sure those words have been written yet, perhaps they don’t exist. but i am trying to send those words to you!!!

    i think keeping busy is so important, for so many reasons. do the things that bring you the most joy and happiness.

    remember one thing my sweet friend, a positive attitude is so important, really important, so have one………remember a positive attitude can move mountains and help the people around you to worry less. i “pray” in a different way, in my own way and i have been praying for you since friday!!!

    let’s kick some cancer ass (can i say that), you bet i can!!!!!

  10. Just playing catch up Miriam and was totally taken aback to read this. But I do trust that your surgery will be successful and with your positive outlook eventually life will get back to normal! Lots of positive thoughts and healing vibes being sent your way! {{{{HUGS}}}}

  11. I am so sorry to hear this news, you said you had some health issues a few months ago. I am sure your surgery will be successful as you are a strong positive person. My thoughts are with you.
    With love and best wishes

    Forgot to say thanks for the beautiful postcard you sent it is sitting by my computer.

  12. Catching up this morning Miriam and am glad I decided to do so…you will very much be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this. I’m so glad you have shared with us, so that we can all add our prayers and support from afar…I know it has meant so much to me over the last weeks and months…take care my friend xx

  13. Wishing you all the best…and that the surgery goes well. You son’s sense of humor and your husband’s support will be great for you. Please keep us updated when you feel up to it.

  14. Dearest Miriam, I am so sorry that you have to go through this, but I also know that everything will be just fine. You keep that beautiful attitude, and know that you are in my thought and prayers.

    Sending you hugs. xo

  15. So sorry – I came here in the week but only looked at “Pairs” so only just seen this. I echo all that has been said above. Sounds as if there is every reason to believe in that; meanwhile, thoughts and prayers very gladly granted. Do hope that 10th scan went well and hope to read positive news here very soon.

  16. Late to arrive, and so sorry to read this, Miriam :(. I am thinking of you and sending you warmest healing thoughts and gentle encouragement to wrap around you … I am moved by your positive attitude and determination, and know how much these things can carry us through the hard bits. May all our best energies be with you …

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