5 in 5 on 25th of the 5th

In one of the houses my friend and I visited during North Somerset Arts Week, the gentleman of the house, not wanting to be left out, gave us a tour of his garden!
This is not so much ‘take as many photos as you can in five minutes and choose just five and link up with Sandie at Itchifingers.’ It’s more the case that my camera decided to make very scary crunching noises when I pressed the shutter!! These are the only 5 I have!!!
Yes I was very concerned that it might be the camera but ‘fortunately’ it was my 50mm lens, phew, much less expensive than the camera body to replace and replacing it was cheaper than a repair. Oh how I dispair at our throw away world.

Anyway, here are five pictures that I took in the garden, somewhere on the art trail a week or so ago.






I think I will be too late to link up with Sandie’s 5 in 5 but if you have a moment you might like to see what others have posted here.

8 thoughts on “5 in 5 on 25th of the 5th

  1. Oh dear these cameras are a worry. Mine has been playing up a little and I must bite the bullet and take it to be looked at. On Saturday I took what I thought was going to be a fabulous photo until I realised I hadn’t put the memory card back in…
    The photos you did take are lovely.

  2. glad to hear it was not the camera body – always a scary moment when the camera glitches. Lovely images, I love the colours of the copper beech

  3. Sorry to hear about the lens. I’ve had my 50mm repaired twice; both times much less expensive than a new one. Both times due to my carelessness, I’m sorry to say! Lovely photos, as always.

  4. Such wonderfully clear shots – that corkscrew hazel (?) with the sun behind it is especially striking. Yes, I panic at the thought of all this stuff being made and going into landfill … We need a repair shop on every corner!

  5. Hello Miriam!
    What kind of flower is in that first photo? SO lovely.

    Know how you feel about new ones being cheaper than repairing things. Big fat sigh…

    xo, m & jb

  6. Sorry to be so late visiting Miriam, I nearly missed this post and am so glad I didn’t! What a scary moment when your camera made crunchy noises – what a relief it was easily sorted. I so agree about this disposable world, I am a make do and mend kind of girl so this doesn’t fit comfortable with me. There is so much waste….
    But on a lighter note, what beautiful photos of the garden. I love the contrast of colour and shapes, the beech leaves are a glorious colour and I love the green plant with the little ones growing out the centre. Aren’t plants clever as well as pretty! Thank you for taking part this month, I’m glad your camera played nicely for these 5 photos!

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