November and Me

Sian over at High in the Sky posted a beautiful Lay Out yesterday journalling how she feels about November. She wondered what others felt this month.

Here’s how I feel in November.

November & me

Looking in my Christmas drawer and the feeling of Oh! I’d forgotten I had that…

Leaves in all their glorious colour. Picking them up, taking them home and photographing them. Yes again! I love them, they make my heart sing

Resolving to post the Christmas cards on the first of December

Winter boots, hat and scarf, my new winter coat and of course a new hat. Orange this year. No I don’t think I look like a pumpkin!
Wolley tights and a shorter skirt…all ready for when the weather turns. You can smile but in 2012 we were in the garden sitting around the fire on Christmas eve!

Winter food, casseroles and puddings. It’s the only time of the year I make them.
Checking the sloe gin, is it ready yet?

Lists, endless lists for Christmas.
Booking my delivery slot at the supermarket and never remembering what size turkey to buy and remembering the year I made notes for the following year, one of which said: Buy a bigger turkey. “Bigger than what?” my husband said. Yes I had forgotten to write down the weight of the ‘too small’ turkey.

Sorting the bed linen for Christmas guests.
Changing the curtains and covers in our bedroom from summer white to winter red.

Armistice day. Standing in the freezing cold in years gone by, remembering and giving thanks.
A special friends birthday, the day of her passing and her funeral, Oh! so many memories.

A daily photo challenge with a theme of Giving Thanks.

The feeling of Oh! It’s ages yet and then the feeling of OMG it’s the first of December tomorrow.

The constant invitations begining with “Oh! we must… before Christmas”. Why can’t “we must”… in July?

November, a time for pausing, to take stock:
of time passing,
and seasons changing.
A time for planning,
for gathering and
Giving Thanks.

Thank you Sian

9 thoughts on “November and Me

  1. thanks to you and Sian I’m starting to feel more positive about the month before December! I have new orange hat and coat too this year

  2. Orange is one of my favorite colors! November will be a big month here—new grandchild, visiting family. I’ve barely given any thought to Christmas, but must get started. I haven’t even begun a list!

  3. Hi Miriam!
    November is my favorite month. Here on the east coast there are often gray clouds scudding across the sky. The trees are bare except for one or two here and there still wearing a mostly-full set of colored leaves. And, of course, Thanksgiving -the last Thursday of the month. My favorite holiday. All the fun of Christmas with none of the hassle. And all the Christmas movies on the Hallmark TV channel. Watching one right now, in fact.
    Happy November! I’m thankful that I met you! 🙂 m & jb

  4. Oh, yes! Lots of lovely things I recognise on this list (apart from sitting in the garden on Christmas day lol!) Another week and let’s start thinking about what December means..

  5. Beautiful post Miriam. I love getting out the decorations and thinking about where,when,how we got them. Got a chuckle about the too small turkey – sounds like me. 🙂

  6. I have really enjoyed reading this, although I am a little later in the month – and hoping that it has been as full of interesting and anticipatory things as you sensed … And a lovely, lovely photo.

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