Five Flowers…

…still flowering in my garden in November.

I took these pictures at 08:00am this morning (I know…couldn’t sleep) The sun was so bright, the sky so blue and Sian’s Five Things popped into my head.
There was no one about, so still in my nightie I picked my way around the jungle that is supposed to be a garden and saw eleven plants still in flower. Here are five of them.

Zephrini drouhin, so pretty, quite small now but no perfume. I suspect it’s just too cold.
Zephirine drouhin

I have forgotten the name of this Fuchsia which I bought years ago in the Lost Gardens of Heligan
Fuschia pink blue

This little Lobelia is flowering away happily as if it was still summer

Surely this is the last little Welsh Poppy? I was pleased to see her this morning as she reminds me of my beautiful friend who’s birthday is/would have been this month.
Meconopsis cambrica

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this Philadelphus flower yesterday. It is too high up for me to tell if it has its wonderful orange perfume. Do you notice the buds too?

Five Things inspired by Sian at High in the Sky

10 thoughts on “Five Flowers…

  1. Miriam, you are so lucky to still have flowers in bloom. We had a freeze last week that pretty much did everything in. However, I do have the pansies in—and they’ll bloom all winter. I love that I have some color in the beds!

  2. What a joy this is! I don’t think we have anything flowering so beautifully here at the moment. I’m kind of chuffed that I might have had a small hand in such an uplifting post 🙂

  3. Beautiful photos Miriam! Here we call that fuschia “bleeding hearts”. Not a really pretty name for a plant. Nothing is left in bloom here. All the leaves have fallen now and the temps have turned decidedly winterish.

  4. How lovely! Nothing left here but brown. Even the beautiful red leaves are gone, though in fairness we took a walk in the woods this week, and there were still some yellow leaves left on trees. November always signals the beginning of a LONG period without much color here in New York. I keep a flowering plant or cut flowers on my kitchen table pretty much all winter as an antidote to the dullness outside my window.

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