Photo Heart Connection

Kat Sloma hosts a wonderful practice each month called Photo Heart Connection.

Deepen the connection between your photos and your heart and soul by participating in this monthly review of your images, to find the one that best connects to your heart.

PHC 3 Feb

It was my first outing with a new group.
I was the subject of a bit of interest, on my own, with my camera.

“You should go and speak to that gentleman over there, he belongs to the camera club, you might enjoy that” a couple of people had said to me as they passed me in the garden.

Eventually I came along side him and his wife. She was pointing out things that “would make a nice photo” to him.

“Would you tell me about the camera club?” I asked, smiling at him as we walked along to the blue bridge.

“Yes of course. We have a monthly theme, a get together to show our photographs, prints of course and we critique each others work. It’s a nice friendly group”

I was looking into the water with my camera now.
“What are you seeing there?” said the gentleman from the camera club.

“The wonderful reflections in the water, look” I said pointing into the pond.
He didn’t.
I don’t think it’s the group for me.

Thank you Kat

Photo Heart Connection

Kat Sloma over at Kat Eye Studio says some interesting things about the way she feels about photography
It’s a way to express my feelings — heart and soul.
It’s a way to be in the moment
The process is what matters

I understand this completely, and I have decided to join her this year in her monthly Photo-Heart Connection project.

Thank you Rinda for the link

This is the photo I have chosen from December 2012.

PHC December 2012

When I saw this on my screen it made me smile, it brought back such strong feelings from the evening I took it. It speaks to me of family and happiness.
It has the warmth of the fire that we were sitting by, the reflection of the Christmas lights that surrounded us, and the darkness of the late evening. It reminds me that it was December, just before Christmas, we were sitting in the garden! And yes it tells me that we were sharing a drink, Disaronno, my favourite Christmas time drink.

The close connection with my family truly speaks to my heart.

To see other December 2012 PHC photos have a look here