I couldn’t resist Amy’s challenge
Scrap a page about something that’s happened this week. Content not important, just do it.
Then she said, blogging is scrapbooking anyway.
Is it too dramatic to say I had an epiphany? Well I kind of did. I have been wanting to put a digital page (other than my Project 365) together for ages but something always stops me. I ‘just blog’ so why not ‘just scrapbook, digitally’
To quote Helena ‘Amy made me do it’
I did two more but I’ll save them ’til later in the week. I am a bit nervous about them. You see, hard as I try (and I really love Shimelle), I am not happy with digital patterned paper…yet.

Journaling reads;
Sarah came to do my nails today. She has been coming to me every three weeks for a couple of years now.
It is my treat, well, nails and hair really, with the odd pedicure thrown in for a
Anyway, back to the nails.
This should be titled or is it entitled? Someone will correct me no doubt, Miriam
Procrastinates Yet Again, but that’s not very sexy is it?
Sara was setting up and left her nail colour samples on the table.
She usually keeps them in her box because for 2 years I have had a French manicure and for the last 12 months I have had nail art as well.
Gosh, now that could have been another layout with the same title!
Honestly you would think it was a life decision.
• It is my nails
• It will last for three whole weeks
• Then it gets changed.
So there we are, Sara is telling me all about her ‘Royal Wedding Day’ and I am looking at the colour samples.
“Fancy a change then?” smiles Sarah.
“No, just looking” I said lamely.
“Oh go on, go mad, you’ll love it!” Sarah enthuses.
“That’s easy for you to say. A change means that I will have to make a decision and I still haven’t chosen the nail art that you gave me when you sat down 15 minutes ago” I wailed.
“Which one are you drawn to?” said Sarah.
”These darker, kind of red or purple colours, but not red or pink” I said with a little more enthusiasm than I actually had.
”Let’s find something that looks good with your skin tone, how about these?” Sara offered half a dozen sample colours.
“Just three please, I’ll think about three.” I said positively.
And that’s how it stayed for 75 minutes while she prepared my nails for a new colour. I stared at number 206, 92 and 2018 until she said “times up, choose!”
I choose (with her help) number 2018 Passionate Plum.
Now if I had known its name, I would have got there earlier….I think
New Boots

Journaling reads;
I had some new tyres on my car recently.
I just took it to the tyre place that does such things a bit sharpish and asked the guy to change some or all, whatever is necessary.
They changed three tyres.
I thanked them, paid and came home
A few weeks later my MOT and Service was due.
My husband booked my car into the main dealer. A husband needs to be sure his wife is safe.
This is a much posher place, they give you appointment times, a phone call to let you know when to collect, coffee and biscuits but not lunch so I came home for that.
Much, much later that day (they forgot to call me), just as they were closing the gates, we collected the car, thanked them, paid (nearly chocked on the bill) and went home.
When we looked at the service sheet we discovered that the car had passed its MOT with no problems, but with two advisories:
The wiper blades will need changing soon
The front ns tyre is not as good as the others. It has 6mm of tread, 1.6mm is the legal limit.
Now that is why you go to professionals!
You are safe in the knowledge that they can spot the bl****ng obvious.
Amy’s challenge is here
Lo’s based on one by Chrissy W at 2p’s