Scavenger Hunt Sunday 29th May

Sunday already! where has this week gone? I kept putting this challenge off because it had the dreaded ‘self portrait’ in the list.

This weeks challenge:

• Classic Still Life
• Self-Portrait
• On the Floor
• Lines
• Fresh

Still Life


Self Portrait
I had one of my brainwaves this morning. How about a silhouette or reflection, kind of me but not all of me?


On the floor
I took a look into my sons room this morning…Oh so many things to photograph!


I wouldn’t have given this stairway a second glance had I not been thinking about Scavenger Hunt!

I saw a juice bar in the week but didn’t have my camera with me so when I got home I thought I’d give this a try. It has an overlay on but I can’t remember where I got it from. It is called Enchanted no. 3. if anyone knows where it comes from please let me know?

I am linking to Scavenger Hunt Sunday, there are some fabulous interpretations of the list over here.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 22nd May

I am linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday again.

This week we are looking for our interpretations of

My Passion
The sound of music
Inner beauty

My Passion
My new lens is my passion
My boys were surprised (dissapointed) it wasn’t them and they were surprised it wasn’t my dog! No, it is my new 50mm lens.

The Sound of Music
I love the sound of the wind chimes in the garden

Inner Beauty

I had lots of ideas for this but I decided on a literal interpretation, the inside of the Queen Conch shell is so beautiful.


This is what came straight into my mind when I read this weeks challenge. No matter how hard I looked for an alternative nothing pleased me as much as this.

I couldn’t choose between these two, my Pyracantha with needles sharp enough to make you cry if they catch you,

or my wine, a new (to me) Pinot, sharp and fresh and gorgeous!

Have a look over here for some wonderful interpretations of this weeks Scavenger Hunt.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 15th May

I am linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday again.

This weeks challenges:

Give Me Flowers
Visual Contrast
Before and After

Give me flowers,
Just too many pictures to choose from, I’ll try this one.


Before and after
In the better weather (like now) I try to get away with roasting a chicken or piece of lamb or whatever with new potatoes and some summer vegetables, but alas, my boy thinks it is not a roast without the roast potatoes!

We went out for tea, yes of course it had to be a Somerset Cream Tea, and look what was wandering and calling around the garden. It is many years since I have seen a peacock, it made my day. I thought the contrast of the hard grey stone wall and the soft electric blue feathers in this picture (one of many!) would be just right for this part of the challenge.

Sweet Peas say summer to me, I like their delicate soft petals and colours and the way they grow entwined together, needing to be picked to encourage more to follow. When I saw these fabulous dark blackcurrant colours in my florist I just had to have them on my windowsill! Their perfume was every bit as wonderful to breathe as the flower was to look at.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I am linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday again.

This weeks challenge:
• SOOC (straight out of the camera)
• Sprouting
• Isn’t it Ironic?
• Lazy
• Smells like Spring

These large purple alliums remind me of my mother. Years ago they were the stars of The Chelsea Flower Show. Mum thought that they were so beautiful they could never be grown in an ordinary garden!

Speciality Tulips. I found this part of the challenge really difficult this week. I almost posted an empty space until this popped into my mind this morning.

I thought the little crocus was never going to show, but with so much sun through the glass this week up she popped in time for SHS!

I had taken this shot early last week ready for sprouting, as I like it so much I have posted it as well.

This is from my library. As soon as I saw the challenge it popped into my mind. I had this picture as my screen saver for a long time. I still love it so here it is, lazy ole frog.

The viburnum brings the first perfume to my garden. When I catch her scent on the evening air I always think “Spring is here at last”

Have a look over here for wonderful interpretations of this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I am linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday again. It is such a fun challenge, but this week seemed a little more difficult for me. I had to go to my library for one of the pictures. All my pictures are SOOC, the most I have done is a little cropping.

1. Architecture
2. Rimmed with Light
3. Toes or Feet
4. This is My Favorite
5. Shade (s)


This is my library picture.
Hampton Court Palace is truly beautiful. As you look up and up you see so many of these beautiful chimneys. The Tudor’s built chimneys because coal rather than wood, was being used as fuel so you needed a chimney to take the smoke away from the rooms. The chimney stacks were often clustered in groups, and the individual chimney columns were curved or twisted, and decorated with patterns of different-coloured bricks. Why build boring straight stacks, brick was so expensive, lets show our wealth and build splendid chimney stacks!

Rimmed with light.

I have had difficulty with this part of the challenge this week, but at the farm today I saw this.

Toes or Feet

These ‘feet’ belongs to Daisy, a four year old Saddleback pig who lives at a very lovely working farm in Somerset. I think she looks as though she is wearing heels, what do you think?

This is my favourite…Gin

Bombay Blue, perfect with tonic, ice and a slice.


I love how Triggers eyelashes are shading his eye from me.

This was a great challenge for me. Today we went to a working farm especially to help me complete it. We had a wonderful afternoon in the sun. I think we saw one gate with a no entry sign, the rest of the place was there for you to wander around. The animals were all friendly, well, except for one grumpy horse and there were plenty of places to wash your hands after touching them. I have some fabulous photos to share another day.