Photo Art Friday

For Photo Art Friday this week Bonnie asked us to link a photo that is, in some way autobiographical.
Or, a photo that simply pleases.

This does both.

As you can see it is a still life of a ‘bowl of fruit’
I made the the tiny bowl and the fruit out of icing. It was part of the decoration on a cake I made for my mother for her birthday in 1997. Her anniversary is in March and I found the box that contains some of the pieces I made only a few months ago. I had completely forgotten I had them.

So, it pleases me because it reminds me of my mother and it is autobiographical because I made the subject of my photo, lost it! found it! then took the photo of it and then played around in photoshop with it…and linked it here

Photo Art Friday

Something to Share

We went to see the lambs last weekend, so tiny and so sweet. The children just loved feeding them and the little creatures (lambs, not kids,saw those too) seemed quite unconcerned about being plonked (literally!) in yet another set of arms or an even smaller lap! The mothers on the other hand were so very protective about their babies. I certainly would not have gone the other side of the gate! This mother in particular was definitely fierce and you had to be quick to get a look at her babies!

Oh, You want to see the lambs?
Just lambs, no textures.

Yes, they were very lovely, and wooly, and soft, and small, and wriggly and hungry….

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo’s challenge this week is: any piece of art from a photo or an abstract piece, Oh how I wish I wasn’t given a choice, Sometimes I drive myself nuts with indecision.

This is a golden coloured metal spiders web at 25% opacity, a pale pink carnation with the opacity at 50%, Kim Klassen’s Cherish texture at 35% web and Bonnie’s Linen Blind texture at soft light.


The last day of some dark pink tulips and the wave filter with it’s settings tweaked endlessly and Bonnie’s Splash of Gold beautiful texture, at soft light.

It’s Friday, I’m on leave now for a week and it’s Photo Art Friday. I have chosen not to choose. x

Photo Art Friday

Hope you have a lovely weekend, don’t forget Sians Story Telling Sunday is on Sunday

Journal Your Christmas 12th and 13th

I have my pages 12 & 13 to share with you today. I had Friday off work this week so was able to catch up with a few things, not least of which was a bit of housework! I soon got fed up with that and returned to finishing card making. I have left it so late again I won’t catch sight of the second class stamps again this year!
I wonder if I am the only one left who is posting her cards so late?

Do you have a favourite carol?