Shades of Autumn


Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

I am linking my orange collage to Project Alicia for this weeks orange challenge. I love how orange is so warm at this time of year.

I also have a new recipe to try this weekend which looks kind of orange in the book!

Root vegetable boulangere. I love potatoes done this way so I imagine the winter vegetables with them will be gorgeous.

There are some stunning shades of orange over here this week

Learning Photoshop

I’ve been playing, want to see?

The top picture is a photo of a bowl of brussell sprouts. The middle picture is a photo of snow covered branches and the bottom one is a photo of a red decoration on a Christmas tree. I took them into photoshop, duplicated the layer and ran an abstract twirl action on them and then fiddled about with the settings until I lost another hour or two! Oh my goodness me, I see Christmas cards!

Lime is a picture of a tierd basket of lemons, oranges and limes. Carnival is a night picture from the Bridgewater Carnival. And Chrys is a bowl of red and yellow Chrysanths. Take them into photoshop, duplicate the layer, go to filter, choose distort, choose wave and fiddle about with the settings until your heart is content, or you have lost another hour or two!

I had such fun, I love the results. I used some less than perfect pictures to start with, you know, the ones you never get around to deleting? And then I realised that actually the better the pictures the better the results of playing. Be warned, twirling and whirling is addictive! I have so many lovely colours and patterns I might just have to put them into collage on another post…
What is your current obsession, in the crafting world of course!

Scrapping the Everyday

Inspired by Amy Scrapping the Every Day

Journalling reads

From 1 to 21 in the blink of an eye
Where has the time gone?
It seems like only yesterday you helped your daddy put the swing together.
It was the evening before your birthday. We had hoped to get the swing up ready for the following morning but you saw the box and that was the end of a quiet evening before the big day. You helped to open the box, unpack the bits hold the tools tighten a few screws and before I knew it you were high in the sky, I was terrified you would fall but you just laughed, more daddy! more daddy!
Now look at you, in your leathers, you have wanted a motorbike for as long as we can remember. You put yourself through the test and saved your wages to buy your blue Suzuki.
I am still terrified you will fall but it is your dream fulfilled and I am happy for you.

A – Z of Me

These are all over blog land so here’s mine!

A. Age: Over 21
B. Bed size: King
C. Chore that you hate: Clearing up after other people
D. Dogs: My Greyhound, Pepsi
E. Essential start to your day: Cup of tea
F. Favorite color: Purple
G. Gold or Silver: Gold.
H. Height: 5’6”
I. Instruments you play: pots & pans
J. Job title: Dementia Support Worker
K. Kids: One
L. Live: South West UK
M. Mother’s name: Elizabeth
N. Nicknames: Mims
O. Overnight hospital stays: Far too many to mention
P. Pet peeves: Poor customer service
Q. Quote from a movie: Smile & Wave from Love Actually
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: 5 brothers
T. Tattoos: Still considering having one
U. Underwear: Yes
V. Vegetable you hate: Okra.
W. What makes you run late: ‘tinternet
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Lots
Y. Yummy food that you make: Soup
Z. Zoo animal: Meerkats

Words to Live By Days 5 & 6

Big Picture Class are running a Big Idea Festival, Words to Live By for 12 days during August. Every day there is a word, and a challenge to make a project page or Lo about.
Day five is Enjoy
I think these photos speaks for themselves. I have used them before but it just fills my heart with joy whenever I see them.

Paper is Katie Pertiet’s at Designer Digitals

Day six is Nest
I am a great nest builder, this little project gave huge amusement to the family. It is Pepsi’s greenhouse nest. When I am in the garden she likes to be in the greenhouse where she can see me !

The paper is Kim Klassen’s texture If Only

Big Idea Festival, Words to Live By.