Shades of Autumn

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

I almost didn’t make this one! I have been poorly since Saturday with a dreadful tummy bug, in fact the entire family has it. I am blaming my nail technician, (sorry Sarah). Anyhow I am on the mend now, well enough in fact to be looking after the others and well enough to gather some white Shades of Autumn into a collage for Alicia’s project.
I have been looking through some old photo albums and wanted to make this collage in a similar way. I used to crop with scissors in those days and lay one photo over and under another, leaving some space somewhere on the page for the date. Sticking and gluing that’s always been me. Never happier or in more of a mess than when I’m playing with a pot of glue. Now I suppose my mouse is a bit like my glue.
I was really surprised to find so much white in Autumn but then that’s the joy of a challenge like this, it encourages me to be more aware and photograph my world.

This is the last of Alicia’s Shades of Autumn challenge, I have no doubt she will be back when she has settled.
Want to see everyone else’s Autumn Whites?

When I was trying to take the photo of the horse she wasn’t being particularly co-operative, it was late in the afternoon and getting dark and on top of that I am afraid of horses. I wasn’t sure I’d got anything from the first two shots with my little camera so, one more try before giving up in fear of her getting too close and clicked for the third time, she suddenly came really close to me and nieghed very loudly in my face.
I ran back to the car to see husband laughing and dog looking astonished. I got the two pictures for my collage, here is the third.

Has anything surprised you lately?

Shades of Autumn 11.11.11.

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

I have been playing with some Autumny (is that a word?) things. I seem to have an accidental nature table, I just have to pick up a beautiful leaf or seed head. Do you do that?
Anyway my collection reminds me of the nature table at playgroup and early school years… I liked the variety of stuff on the table, carefully collected leaves, acorns, pine cones, the odd twig, bits of grass, a beautiful chestnut, Postman Pat , Noddy, (that was our contribution!) My fault entirely. I was talking about Autumn colours, showing my boy the golds and yellows, reds and browns on the trees around us. He told ‘Mrs Malone’ our playgroup leader, that of course Noddy’s car was suitable because it was yellow. Postman Pat? Well if Ben had brought Noddy why shouldn’t Nick bring Postman Pat.

I couldn’t resist another collage!
Isn’t brown a beautiful rich colour?

And because it is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year two thousand and eleven I have eleven pictures in my collage and I will post this at eleven o’clock this evening.

I put my collage together in Collage It for mac.

There are some fabulous Autumn Brown photos over here this week

Shades of Autumn

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

I am linking to this weeks Shades of Autumn over at Project Alicia with my favourite colour, Purple. I collected lots of leaves that looked purple on the ground but turned out to be more red when I saw the pictures on my screen. There is plenty of purple around my desk though, but I think it has all made an appearance here before. The dark leaves of my Heuchera Purple Petticoats are my favourite from the garden, I think they look so pretty with the rain drops and sun on them.

There are so many beautiful purple photo’s over here this week.
Layout is from Cinzia Loosemore

Shades of Autumn

Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

This weeks Shades of Autumn over at Project Alicia is Red.
Here is my collage using my new favourite template from Alexa

It is such a beautiful day here today, blue skies, white clouds, sun shining, birds singing and it’s November! Apparently our night time temperatures are warmer than our day time temperatures should be at this time of year.
I have winter jasmine, pink cherry blossom, and forsythia out in the garden. Our world is changing.
Hope you are having a good day wherever you are.

Shades of Autumn


Shades of Autumn Photo Challenge

I am linking my orange collage to Project Alicia for this weeks orange challenge. I love how orange is so warm at this time of year.

I also have a new recipe to try this weekend which looks kind of orange in the book!

Root vegetable boulangere. I love potatoes done this way so I imagine the winter vegetables with them will be gorgeous.

There are some stunning shades of orange over here this week