Project 365

Week 11

The visit to Westonbirt Arboritum came about because I seemed to be in a fog that I couldn’t see beyond, I was restless, I hadn’t slept well for days so needed to ‘get away from the house’ fortunately the weather was lovely on Saturday.
I knew you could take the dog into the Arboritum, Paul wasn’t keen on going but I think he saw the desperation in my face!
Westonbirt Arboritum is was such a lovely place to spend time in. It is quiet, you can walk anywhere, no barriers of fences or notices that begin with ‘Don’t…’ or ‘No…”
I love trees, their shape and their strength which I knew we would see as they are just waking from their winter. I am not so good at their names but every tree there has an identification label on!
I didn’t know that Westonbirt has the national collection of Japanese Acers which Paul loves. I bought him a gorgeous red one for our last wedding anniversary.
The dog loved it of course, it was doggy heaven! We met lovely friendly people that made me feel alive again. As a bonus Paul loved it too and we have planned another day there to see the magnolias and the bluebells.
When I work in Nailsea, which is not very often, I love to go to the craft shop there. Today I was shocked to see that it has closed. I knew the lovely lady that owned it. She worked so hard: she was so much more than just ‘the lady that owned the craft shop’. I wish her well for her future.
Another anniversary this week, and a funeral as well.
It is 9 years since dad passed away, I thought about that day today, and the years that went before and the years that have passed since.
Love them and talk with them while you can x
I had a lovely St. Patrick’s Day, I missed the shamrock which Ellen used to send to Mum. We have had cards and plants, leaves and pins and all sorts over the years!
Today I saw some beautiful shamrock earrings on my friend Mary. I definitely need some of those!
I was working of course but my group were lovely, and funny and pleased with what we did and in good voice and humor. I am so fortunate.
Tomorrow will come and go, I will be with my family, we will get through and come home and I will hug my child so close to me and thank God for him as I do every day.
A belated ‘Happy St. Patricks Day’ to you!
I am hoping that my glass of Patricks Parsley will make you smile xx

It's just parsley. I don't have any Shamrock this year, this idea made me smile!

Thank you for the LO Alexa.

Project 365

Week 10

5th Oxford Helen & Douglas house
6th Lenten Rose in flower at the hospice
7th My favourite work day, singing about the weather this week. It was the most beautiful spring day today.
8th Eva
9th Felt necklace from Karen
10th This weeks colour is plum
11th A longed for day off

This was a very sad and difficult week for all of us.
On Saturday we went to visit Alec and the family at the hospice in Oxford, a wonderful but painful visit for everyone.
The little boy lost his battle with cancer on Tuesday morning, which was also the 7th anniversary of Mums passing. Ben went over to stay with his cousins; Paul went to work in the city, that left me & Pepsi, home alone.
Playing with textures in photoshop takes me away from everything. The picture for 8th was a tiny vase and flowers that sat on top of the cake I made for Mum’s 70th birthday in 1997. I put a lovely texture over it. My friend Karen gave me the felt necklace for my birthday. The new handbag is the colour of a plum! Friday we are all home together x

Thank you Alexa, I based the LO on one of your Dec Days templates which I can’t now find on your blog…sorry

Project 365

Week 9

The weekend on the island with the family resulted in lots of lovely photo’s for me to play with.
I am hoping to have taken some that will become textures. I signed up for another class with Kim Klassen, I love her texture projects.
We spent Saturday at Freshwater and along the coast watching the waves and looking for dinosaur casts and Sunday recovering from the great night out on Saturday evening. We drove home on Sunday in the worst weather we had ever driven in! It was hard to get up for work on Monday but my singing group called to me.
I have decided to follow along with Project 64; A weekly photographic prompt about colour; this week is White and Words to shoot by; a monthly prompt about words. This time the word is sweet.
I want to incorporate them into this project.
We had another viewing this week, which is always stressful but memories of a wonderful family weekend kept me going. Tulips are Paul’s favourite flower.

Thank you Alexa, the LO is based on one of your Dec Days templates. I can’t find the direct link to them on your blog sorry!

Project 365

I am feeling so much better this week and ready to play with Photoshop, my current obsession. Over the weekend I played with textures taking lessons from Kim Klassen, I really love the pink Gerbra with it’s texture and text. Back to work on Monday to rain, all day. Tuesday I got drenched again and yet again on Wednesday but I danced all afternoon at the Tea Dance which lifted my spirits. Thursday I worked from home in the dry and also had my nails done ready for the weekend. Friday Alan & I went to meet up with some of our family on the Isle of Wight; unfortunately my Paul was too poorly to come with us. Of course I missed him but the brothers, sisters-in-law and I had a wonderful weekend laughing, eating, laughing and drinking.
Did I mention laughing and drinking?
Thank you G&V

Project 365

Week 7

A week that included Valentine’s day, my birthday and a hospital stay! There were flowers, cake, cards and wonderful presents. Lotta came in from Glasgow on Thursday night which was my birthday, but as I had spent that day in hospital I had my birthday on Friday. Kath called in the morning, Susie came for lunch and Karen came for tea. Ben had the day off and Paul came home from his week away in London. A strange but happy week.