Project 365

Week 16

At work there is the most wonderful clematis growing over a pretty arbor, the flowers are just beginning to bloom this week.
I love the Bohm necklace that Paul bought me, and it has such pretty earrings to go with it!
I was looking for something to photograph for part of Scavenger Hunt and saw this snail asleep on my bin, It was perfect for ‘what’s in side?’ I thought. I had lots of fun trying to capture the shot I wanted!
The weather has been glorious again this week. It has been warm enough to sit out later into the evening. We also had our first BBQ one night. Is this our summer?
I saw these lovely magenta Dicentra or Bleeding Hearts on my travels and linked them to Project 64 with so many Magenta finds this week. The roses were part of a fabulous Easter Bouquet from my boys.

My layout is based on a template from Maria and week 15 is the same but reversed.

Project 365

Week 15

We went shopping to Cribbs Causeway in Bristol at the weekend. I had ordered a jacket & skirt but didn’t like it when it arrived so off we went to change it! We had a really lovely day together. I loved seeing the hippo & her baby and couldn’t see how on earth I missed them before. Ben says they have been there a long time!!
A party invitation this week! My brother gives great parties and we get to stay the weekend. Last year the weather was wonderful so we spent the evening in the garden. Fingers crossed for a repeat performance.
We have had some fabulous skies over Weston this week with some welcome warmer weather.
Paul bought me a new magazine about close ups photography, I am thinking about a new lens for my camera.
At work this week we made some Easter Bonnets. They were so much appreciated and there was lots of chatter and laughter. It was a lovely lift for me after some difficult days.
I saw a field full of bluebells and cowslips on my travels, it was breathtaking and I found a photoshop freebie for diptych and triptych frames and posted the picture on my blog in the triptych frame. I love playing with photoshop, have I mentioned that before?
I have been having some problems with RSI in my right hand so I am trying out this very beautiful new mouse! It is gorgeous and much kinder to my thumb and index finger.

Project 365

Week 14

We had an unexpected evening out to see Chas & Dave in their farewell concert tour. Not my first choice of concert but I thoroughly enjoyed the singing and dancing. They were really good fun to listen to. We had dreadful seats for the first half but were able to move and enjoy the rest of the concert with a much better view.
Ben returned home on Sunday in time to enjoy my roast lamb Mothering Sunday lunch. Boys and their stomachs!
Lotta came to visit this week. I really love having her here. I love her tiny shoes and girly things but best of all I love to hear her and my boy laughing.
I linked to the Project 64 photo colour challenge. I found lots for Burnt Sienna. I love how the challenge opens my eyes to what is around me.
I had some hyacinths in the house this week; I love their natural heady perfume. (Always a good thing to have around you when you own a greyhound!). As I was taking the leaves off and cutting the bases I noticed some tiny new shoots and thought I would watch them for a few days. Very serendipitous indeed! Then by the following weekend the little shoots were flowering, how beautiful nature is.

Project 365

Week 13

It hardly seems possible that one quarter of this year has gone! but at last it feels like spring. The garden is coming to life with some beautiful warm sunny days at the beginning of the week.
I made a couple of cards; the first for simply ages. I wanted one for my 150th blog post, which will be in the next couple of weeks.
On Sunday we went to Hazels wedding, it was a lovely day, warm, sunny, very relaxed and happy despite it being ‘a work do’. My colleague & I both wore turquoise!
I am having so much fun with Photoshop at the moment. I made the rainbow for the beautiful double daffodils that Paul bought.
Project 64’s colour is ‘spring green’ this week, I took lots of pictures for it but I liked the cucumber shot, probably because it wasn’t a plant which all the others were!
Ben is in Helsinki with his girlfriend, there is still snow on the ground but he is loving the temperature of a warm(ish) 1 degree! He sent me a photo of his coffee and much loved cinnamon bun! as well as the picture I am using for this.
We are looking forward to seeing him on Sunday morning, and he is looking forward to my roast dinner for mothers day!!! Boys and their stomachs.
1st April brought a beautiful blue sky and a very witty newsletter that Paul wrote about Greyhounds which will go into the book planned for this project. I am not sure that it will find its way onto the blog though.

I am still loving taking a picture every day for this project, I am posting the daily pictures on to Flickr but I am pleased now that I made it a weekly page for the blog.
How are you getting on with yours?

Project 365

Week 12

19th-22nd March. I was so pleased to be back home. Oh gosh, what a day it was yesterday! It was just too sad to write about.
When we got back from our family day, a lovely bunch of tulips was waiting on the back door step for us.
Thank you K, you are lovely x
I saw these gorgeous daffodils when I went to collect Pepsi from the kennels. The picture of the gulls soaring on a thermal is for Skywatch this week.
I saw a tutorial on the internet for these japanese dolls but couldn’t find my handmade paper so I tried with what I had to hand. I hope I can find it again! (tutorial and paper). The dolls are quick and easy to do and look lovely standing in my pencil pot
The packet of Polos brought back a lovely childhood memory. I wrote it down for Sian’s Story telling Sunday on 4th April.
We have had some beautiful weather this week the cherry blossom looks fabulous in a clear bright blue sky.
Project 64’s colour is Tickle me Pink, the hyacinth is in the garden.

Thank you to Alexa for the LO