Project 365

Week 16

At work there is the most wonderful clematis growing over a pretty arbor, the flowers are just beginning to bloom this week.
I love the Bohm necklace that Paul bought me, and it has such pretty earrings to go with it!
I was looking for something to photograph for part of Scavenger Hunt and saw this snail asleep on my bin, It was perfect for ‘what’s in side?’ I thought. I had lots of fun trying to capture the shot I wanted!
The weather has been glorious again this week. It has been warm enough to sit out later into the evening. We also had our first BBQ one night. Is this our summer?
I saw these lovely magenta Dicentra or Bleeding Hearts on my travels and linked them to Project 64 with so many Magenta finds this week. The roses were part of a fabulous Easter Bouquet from my boys.

My layout is based on a template from Maria and week 15 is the same but reversed.

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