Memorandum Monday and Winter Scavenger Hunt

I have more items for the Winter Scavenger Hunt by Joy and Eileen to show you. There is a link up at Eileen’s blog today.

Item 6 A puddle
Im sorry to say it has not been difficult to find a puddle around here lately!

Item 6 A puddle

Item 5 A snowman
I love the little face on this snowman

Item 5 A snowman

Item 4 A star

I saw this star from the top of a bus by the houses of parliament I thought the whole thing would be lit but no, but I do like it.

Item 4 A star

Item 3 Outside lighting

This was one of so many beautifully lit trees around Canary Wharf in London just before Christmas. It was magical
Item 3 Outside lighting

Memorandum Monday:

I have daffodils in the house, my first this year.


Paul asked me what the difference between a daffodil and a narcissus was and as I was telling him I thought “this isn’t right” so I stopped speaking and looked it up. For someone who loves to know and use the botanical name for plants I was shocked!
Narcissus is actually the botanical name for all daffodils. The type most often sold under the name “narcissus” is actually a different species, Paperwhite Narcissus, which is a smaller plant with smaller, white flowers. Blimey! Oh! and jonquils are Narcissus too. Thank goodness for Sian at High in the sky. I’ve written it down, its gone from head to hand to paper (well electronic paper) that way it will stick.
Waving to you on a bright Monday 1st February afternoon. Hope you have a good week

Memorandum Monday

Memorandum Monday is another one of Sian’s brilliant ideas.

Sian said “I’d love you to tell us something you did over the weekend FOR THE FIRST TIME. Or (though it’s not really an “or”, because you are very welcome to do both) delight us with something you learned and DIDN’T KNOW BEFORE.”

So, over the weekend I learned about, signed up to and am playing ‘Words With Friends’ Actually, words with Friend would be more accurate.
It’s scrabble, I play it on my phone and its free.

I am playing with my friend Marcella who has been playing for nearly three years! This is my first game and I love it, I’m nowhere near as good as Marcella but it doesn’t seem to matter.

You can play as fast or a slow (that’s me) as you like.
Marcella has lots and lots of games going on at the same time. I only have her!
If anyone would like to play with me, sign up and look for me, I am MiriamRogers (what a surprise!) Go on, give it a whirl.

I love words and have always loved scrabble but the thing I like is the fact that we are in contact.
Oh! You can send each other messages too. The last one I sent Marcella was “are you giving me all the rubbish tiles?”


Thank you for a fun new Monday connection Sian, waving on Monday 18th from a very grey rainy world outside my window.