Needs Must

“Why have we invested 50p in two bunches of dead dahlias?’ He asked shaking his head.

“To photograph their beauty and to press some petals of course!” I said

I took them home, sorted the good from the not so good, sorted long stems and short stems and kept some buds.
I took the small vase of short stems up to my room with my phone. The light was fading, much like some of the dahlias, but needs must.

I don’t have the energy yet to go out on a photo walk with my friend and our cameras but I know a garden full of dahlias which the lady of the house picks, and puts out on a table for sale. £1 a bunch if they are ‘alive’(!) She had been away and these two bunches were long past their best so she would only take 50p for them all.

It was a short car ride away, an extremely small financial investment, I had fun photographing them and this morning pulled off lots of petals and put them in my flower press. Oh! and hanging upside down in a bulldog clip are three buds, drying nicely in the breeze… more photo fodder.

Needs must as they say.

I still have a very large vase of the long stems yet to photograph. I just need a little more energy and some light would be nice, it is very overcast here today.


Thank you for the e-mails, I really appreciate them. Have nice weekends.:)