Me on Tuesday and SoC5 Week 6

Some of you very kindly asked me to update you on my progress.

All tests, scans, bloods and paperwork are now complete ready for my surgery on Thursday 16th July. This week!

Thank you for all the lovely comments and e-mails of love and support. I will take them all with me in my heart.

I have a ‘Pair’ Scheduled for Helenas meme tomorrow and hopefully I will have the last digital postcard for Summer of Colour 5 ready before I take some time for R&R for a few days.

I’ll keep you posted.


Summer of Colour Week 6

I couldn’t sleep last night so I made a digital postcard for The Summer of Colour5, week 6, the last week. I have really enjoyed making the cards and posting to those of you that kindly said yes. If you would like a postcard of this weeks colour I will gladly post one to you.

This weeks colour pallet is Orange+Orange+Blue but I mis-read it as Blue+Blue+Orange


Thank you so much Kristin for once again hosting this lovely annual celebration of colour.

The Summer of Colour 5

I am joining in with Kristin at Twinkletwinklelikeastar for her Summer of Colour again.
For week one Kristin set our colour palette as 2 blues and 1 green. I am going to make a postcard each week. This week it is digital from two photos taken this month. I printed three copies, two are in envelopes waiting to go in the post. Would anyone like the third copy?


I am number 85 in the link up!