Project 365

Week 12

19th-22nd March. I was so pleased to be back home. Oh gosh, what a day it was yesterday! It was just too sad to write about.
When we got back from our family day, a lovely bunch of tulips was waiting on the back door step for us.
Thank you K, you are lovely x
I saw these gorgeous daffodils when I went to collect Pepsi from the kennels. The picture of the gulls soaring on a thermal is for Skywatch this week.
I saw a tutorial on the internet for these japanese dolls but couldn’t find my handmade paper so I tried with what I had to hand. I hope I can find it again! (tutorial and paper). The dolls are quick and easy to do and look lovely standing in my pencil pot
The packet of Polos brought back a lovely childhood memory. I wrote it down for Sian’s Story telling Sunday on 4th April.
We have had some beautiful weather this week the cherry blossom looks fabulous in a clear bright blue sky.
Project 64’s colour is Tickle me Pink, the hyacinth is in the garden.

Thank you to Alexa for the LO

Blogging For Scrapbookers

Prompt 2

How much to share.
I think when I consider what to share on my blog, common sense is my guide. I think it is a very difficult thing to balance wanting to be open & honest and talk from the heart and remembering to type in code. I have to confess to being absolutely hopeless at consistency! I just, simply, forget.
We have a system at work that involves red crosses, yellow dots, purple lines, Oh I do try, honest I do but I fail every time.
I try to make my pictures all look the same, size or shape or overlay… hopeless!
Headings, now there’s a thing that drives my husband mad! if I have heading one in one post and bold in another, I can hear the intake of breath! Still at least I know when he has read the blog.
In my work I am very circumspect about what I tell people about myself. I think that it is a survival thing with me, I can’t support people through difficult times If I can’t be completely detached from them.
When I talk with people I can be more measured in what I talk about but when I write/type, everything in my mind just pours onto the page! I would never make a crime or mystery writer, I would give the plot away in the first paragraph.

Journalling reads
Just another “Why?”
I remember teaching my son the names of the birds as we walked the dog along our local beach.
It was in the spring when the black headed gulls still had their winter markings, a black spot over their eyes.
We were watching the herring gulls gliding on the wind, the black headed gulls were standing in the surf.
“Do you see these gulls with the black spot over their eyes? They are the black headed gulls.
“Why are they called black headed when they aren’t?”
“Just now they still have their winter markings, in a few months they will all have a beautiful black head” I said.
“ How do they know when to change their outfits?” said my lad who was, and still is, clothes mad!

I thought about Shimelle’s prompt and made this page, then I went back and took out the names of the people and the place.
Definitely something for me to learn here.
The page is not finished because I just can’t work out how to do what I want to do. I’ll get back to it.

Blogging For Scrapbookers

Prompt 1

Shimelle’s new class started on Monday this week. As usual I am days behind!
Blogging and Scrapbooking, Well I eventually got the blog up and running but the scrapbooking fell by the way side. I am hopeless at keeping up with the forum, as you can see, its the 24th, class started on 21st! Hey Ho, that’s me.
I don’t have my stash available to me just now so I decided to learn photoshop and try digital scrapbooking. Something else I said I would never do! Does that happen to you?
“today we’ll start simply with a blog post and perhaps a scrapbook page with our intentions for this project…”

I have had this template long before I knew how to use them, I was going to ‘lift’ it as a LO for another one of my lists but never got ’round to it. Today I have put my new skills to use and made a LO using photoshop with my shopping list of what I hope this class will help me achieve! If I get to the forum as well I may give myself a badge!!

LO 2P’s Queen of Quirk

Retail Therapy

There is nothing quite like it!

I made this page a while ago but lost it! (I only mention it because you may have seen me smiling whilst caressing the new bag!)
It seems impossible I know, but I have turned my machine inside out, it has gone, off into the ether… I want to use some Lo’s by Alexa for the next few weeks of my Project 365 and remembered that I had used one before, I looked on the blog to see which I had used and it wasn’t there, or anywhere in fact. So, I have made it again.

The Lo is one of Alexadecdays,no 7 I think, the paper is a Kim Klassen texture, allmyloving, the little scottie dog is thanks to Paul who did it for me because I was toooo tired to learn anymore, the bags are just beautiful.

The journaling reads;
In need of a day away from the house and having lost my beautiful purple leather gloves I decided to take a deep breath and go to Cribbs Causeway just outside Bristol.
The motorway, for once was clear and from Weston, forty minutes later we were on the escalator in John Lewis heading up to ladies accessories along with two hundred and fifty thousand other folk! Undeterred we went with the flow and dropped off by the brollies. In my mind gloves and brollies go together, and so they were. Ooh, so many gloves, so few hands. But after trying every single pair of the many, many, pairs there just wasn’t the perfect pair for me.
Too dull, too bright, to short in the fingers, to long in the hand! just plain uncomfortable. Oh well, we were near the bags so I thought I would just ‘swing by’ I am so very weak when it comes to wanting a new bag, and there it was, on the first display stand, right by the front, looking at me, calling me, I just had to pick it up! it was ‘to die for’ I felt its soft fine grained leather and held it close, yes it was ‘the one’ No it wasn’t going to keep my hands warm but it would warm my soul. When my husband asked if I had mentally moved in to it, I new I was lost and it was coming home with me. When I got to the counter to pay, joy of joys it was reduced!
We decided to walk to the other end of the Mall to Marks & Spencer’s, thinking that they might have some gloves for me.
As we left the Lewis’s on the ground floor I noticed a new shop, guess what? Yes a handbag shop! and, they had a sale on. How could I resist and with what I had just saved…
Of course they had the most beautiful bag just waiting for me, I picked it up, put it over my shoulder, looked in the mirror and fell in love all over again… Oh my goodness, I thought about the perceived greed, I just bought a bag, but this was a going out in the day bag, the other was a going out in the evening bag, quite a different thing altogether. I thought about the cash. I have just been paid; it was a long and difficult month. In the end I just couldn’t think of a reason (good reason) why I couldn’t have two bags, so I bought it and love, love, love it!
When I get home I am having a cull of all other bags. And I’ll use the pictures and story on a scrapbook page. There you are then, one bag would never have been scrapbooked!

Do you loose stuff?

Project 365

I have had so many problems with my computer! Things are still not right but at last I am able to do a few bits of catching up.
Here are two weeks worth of my 365 project. Where have 6 weeks of the New Year gone?
It is a wonderful day here today, blue skies, birds singing and people looking cheerful. On our walk this morning I saw so many beautiful snow drops and catkins. The bullfinch and blue tits were busy collecting nesting material, the robins were in full song protecting their patch and the magpies were leaving everyone else alone, busy collecting branches bigger than themselves!
It is a good day, I am emerging from a very grey few weeks. x

Week 6

Week 5

Templates A Photo A Day by ChrissyW
Feed The Birds Solids by Dianne Rigdon