There is nothing quite like it!
I made this page a while ago but lost it! (I only mention it because you may have seen me smiling whilst caressing the new bag!)
It seems impossible I know, but I have turned my machine inside out, it has gone, off into the ether… I want to use some Lo’s by Alexa for the next few weeks of my Project 365 and remembered that I had used one before, I looked on the blog to see which I had used and it wasn’t there, or anywhere in fact. So, I have made it again.

The Lo is one of Alexadecdays,no 7 I think, the paper is a Kim Klassen texture, allmyloving, the little scottie dog is thanks to Paul who did it for me because I was toooo tired to learn anymore, the bags are just beautiful.
The journaling reads;
In need of a day away from the house and having lost my beautiful purple leather gloves I decided to take a deep breath and go to Cribbs Causeway just outside Bristol.
The motorway, for once was clear and from Weston, forty minutes later we were on the escalator in John Lewis heading up to ladies accessories along with two hundred and fifty thousand other folk! Undeterred we went with the flow and dropped off by the brollies. In my mind gloves and brollies go together, and so they were. Ooh, so many gloves, so few hands. But after trying every single pair of the many, many, pairs there just wasn’t the perfect pair for me.
Too dull, too bright, to short in the fingers, to long in the hand! just plain uncomfortable. Oh well, we were near the bags so I thought I would just ‘swing by’ I am so very weak when it comes to wanting a new bag, and there it was, on the first display stand, right by the front, looking at me, calling me, I just had to pick it up! it was ‘to die for’ I felt its soft fine grained leather and held it close, yes it was ‘the one’ No it wasn’t going to keep my hands warm but it would warm my soul. When my husband asked if I had mentally moved in to it, I new I was lost and it was coming home with me. When I got to the counter to pay, joy of joys it was reduced!
We decided to walk to the other end of the Mall to Marks & Spencer’s, thinking that they might have some gloves for me.
As we left the Lewis’s on the ground floor I noticed a new shop, guess what? Yes a handbag shop! and, they had a sale on. How could I resist and with what I had just saved…
Of course they had the most beautiful bag just waiting for me, I picked it up, put it over my shoulder, looked in the mirror and fell in love all over again… Oh my goodness, I thought about the perceived greed, I just bought a bag, but this was a going out in the day bag, the other was a going out in the evening bag, quite a different thing altogether. I thought about the cash. I have just been paid; it was a long and difficult month. In the end I just couldn’t think of a reason (good reason) why I couldn’t have two bags, so I bought it and love, love, love it!
When I get home I am having a cull of all other bags. And I’ll use the pictures and story on a scrapbook page. There you are then, one bag would never have been scrapbooked!
Do you loose stuff?