5 in 5 on 25th of the 5th

In one of the houses my friend and I visited during North Somerset Arts Week, the gentleman of the house, not wanting to be left out, gave us a tour of his garden!
This is not so much ‘take as many photos as you can in five minutes and choose just five and link up with Sandie at Itchifingers.’ It’s more the case that my camera decided to make very scary crunching noises when I pressed the shutter!! These are the only 5 I have!!!
Yes I was very concerned that it might be the camera but ‘fortunately’ it was my 50mm lens, phew, much less expensive than the camera body to replace and replacing it was cheaper than a repair. Oh how I dispair at our throw away world.

Anyway, here are five pictures that I took in the garden, somewhere on the art trail a week or so ago.






I think I will be too late to link up with Sandie’s 5 in 5 but if you have a moment you might like to see what others have posted here.

5 in 5

on the 15th April

I took some pictures of the blossom and the weeds in my garden this morning, for Sandie at itchifingers. Each month, on the 5th, she takes pictures for 5 minutes and posts 5 of them on her blog.
I have ALOT of weeds in my garden, here are 5 of them.
I will save the blossom, which is still closed, for Helena’s Pairs meme. In fact it was Helena who prompted me to go and look at the weeds in my garden this morning.

Weeds are, apparently, any plant in the wrong place! I prefer to think that weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them. (A.A. Milne) They certainly make for interesting and beautiful close up pictures.
I have also been using pictures of dandelions and celandine in some digital art pictures which I am contributing to on Instagram. The 100 days project info is here.

Herb Robert In traditional herbalism, Herb Robert was used as a remedy for toothache and nosebleeds. There are so many articles on this plants medicinal qualities that I’ll let you find it yourself. For me, I’ll just enjoy the picture.

Bittercress. Bitters when added regularly to the diet improve the digestion. They act as a kind of preventative medicine by activating your bodys natural detoxification mechanisms. Bitters stimulate the release of digestive juices, aid in liver detoxification, and help regulate blood sugars.
Even though the last bit interests me, I still don’t fancy it.

Lesser Celendine. Culpeper recommended it as a cure for haemorroids (he called it pilewort)

Dandelion. Culpeper said it is “very effectual for the obstructions of the liver, gall and spleen” I’m honestly not sure that I would know if any of these bits of me were blocked. I’ll stick with my GP.

Daisy. Culpeper wrote that the Daisy is ‘excellent good for wounds in the breast’

I knew my Culpeper Herbal would come in useful one day.

Thank you Sandie.

Five in Five

…on the fifth. Isn’t that a strange word to say and spell?

Linking with Sandie at Itchifingers

5 in 5 logo

The Weston Wheel is back. It has open carriages this year and it is smaller but I still said I wouldn’t get on it.
When we went to the supermarket yesterday I said to husband that I needed to go somewhere to take pictures for five minutes. He drove into town: “You could take pictures here in the rain or go on the wheel, at least the cars have a roof (of sorts)” he said helpfully. How could I refuse?
I was fine as long as I looked through the lens. The car was too open, too small and too high! But I liked what I saw through the lens and even though it was raining it was bright and clear. The ride lasted from 14:15 to 14:20 (from my first to last picture) so as that’s ten minutes, out of the 70 pictures I took I have ten pictures to show you.

Weston Eye 2

Weston Eye 3

Weston Eye 4

Weston Eye 5

Weston Eye 6

Weston Eye 7

Weston Eye 8

Weston Eye 9

Steep Holm

Weston Eye

It was a bit like being a tourist in my own town. We even had tea in the Victorian Tea Rooms, picture 4, right hand side.

Tea Rooms

ZIZO Week Ten

And Five pictures to show you of 19 I took in Five minutes, in my garden at 8.30am this morning (5th March) so that I can link with Sandie at Ichifingers
Although it is cold, there is a real feel of spring in the air, or maybe it’s in my mind? or in my photo’s?

It’s not often that I manage to combine two memes in one post!


Zooming in and out in the garden in the morning sun.

The winter Jasmine has been in flower for months but it still makes me happy when I see a new flower.
ZIZO in Winter Jasmine

ZIZOut Winter Jasmine

Linking with Helena’s wonderful meme.

Thank you Helena

I set an alarm for five minutes and looked for some signs of spring.

A teeny tiny geranium flower in the hanging basket. Notice the blue sky?

5 in 5 1

Yesterday in town I saw a book in a charity shop called ‘Weather Forecasting The Country Way by Robin Page. General weather rules: If you see a patch of blue sky in the early morning (doesn’t say how early though) big enough to make a sailor a pair of trousers, the day will be fine Hmmmm… we shall see… although I am intrigued by folk lore …

It doesn’t seem five minutes since my pretty fuchsia was flowering and here it is in leaf
5in 5 3 fushcia

I can never resist a reflection
5 in 5 reflection

More teeny tinies
5 in 5 5 daffs

and my Ribes already has perfumed leaves if you crush them
5 in 5  4 Ribes

Linking with Sandie at Itchifingers

5 in 5 logo

I started this post at just after 9:00am, WordPress has been driving me nuts. It is taking far too long to load pages and pictures. But, on the up side, it is now 14:00 and the weather is still fine. Sailors trousers, indeed there was enough blue sky to stitch them.