Five in Five

With Sandie at itchifingers
Sandie invites us to take pictures for five minutes and select just five to share with her.
Here are mine for May. I remember the rhyme ‘April showers bring forth May flowers’ but right now it’s May showers all the way here.

In my garden

Acer Red Pygmy

May 3

Hydrangea leaf

May 4

Raindrops on roses

May 5

The honeysuckle

May 1

First bud on the Clematis Daniel Deronda

May 2

Thank you Sandie

5 in 5 April

We have the most glorious sunshine here today. I am sharing 5 pictures capturing the light today.

Joining in with Sandie At Itchifingers.

Eryngium (Sea Holly)

New leaves on the little beech tree

Thyme in a tub

New buds on the honeysuckle

New leaves on the the acer (Japanese maple)

New buds and new leaves bringing hope that we will be sitting out in the garden…

Thank you Sandie

5 Pictures in 5 Minutes

I am going to try (again) to link to Sandie each month with 5 pictures taken in five minutes.

Here are my 5 for January 2016

I took these last week on the 7th, a beautiful sunny day with not a drop of rain but my goodness did the wind make up for it. I think I took these and lots more in much less than 5 minutes in the hope of getting something worth showing you. I just couldn’t hold the camera any longer! The wind was forecast to be 50 mph by 3pm, I was at the beach at just after 2pm.

Looking across to Sand Point

5 in 5 jan 1

5 in 5 jan 4

5 in 5 jan 2

5 in 5 jan 3

Looking across to Cardiff from Sand Bay, Weston-super-Mare. You can see the Millennium Stadium’s 3 white triangular roof struts. You can only see Cardiff on a clear day, it is about 12 miles from Weston across the bay.

5 in 5 jan 5

Also waving at Sian and her Monday wavers, hoping you all have a good week. See you Wednesday for Snap!?

Now if I had been a bit more organised and visited Sian on Wednesday 6th instead of just now for her link details, I could have made a post about this bit of something I learned over the weekend and linked to her new Memorandum Monday. Strangely, it kind of links in with her little bit of newly gained knowledge.

The little finger or toe is called the minimus. Anatomy: the little finger or toe.

Maybe it is too small a thing to be a post on its own. I’ll leave it here.