5 in 5 April

We have the most glorious sunshine here today. I am sharing 5 pictures capturing the light today.

Joining in with Sandie At Itchifingers.

Eryngium (Sea Holly)

New leaves on the little beech tree

Thyme in a tub

New buds on the honeysuckle

New leaves on the the acer (Japanese maple)

New buds and new leaves bringing hope that we will be sitting out in the garden…

Thank you Sandie

6 thoughts on “5 in 5 April

  1. We, too, had lots of beautiful light today, but all the flowers are still covered with the snow we got on Sunday night. Your photos certainly show off the gorgeous light.

  2. Lovely. I am full of envy, like Karen our potential flowers are still hidden under snow & to make it worse, it is snowing today (Wednesday). Yes I think I will go back & look at your flowers bathed in such lovely light.

  3. As always Miriam, beautiful photos and you have captured the light perfectly. I can almost smell the thyme, and the textures and colours are wonderful. It has been sunny and bright here today as well, it makes such a difference and can’t help but uplift the mood. Thank you for joining in 5in5 this month, it is lovely to have your company.

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