About Miriam Rogers

Hi, I have been married to Paul for what seems like forever & that's the way I want it to stay. We have a son, now 21 and a Greyhound who is bonkers. I play with paper and glue, I love flowers! and anything that I can hang from anywhere with ribbon. If you need me I can be found in the garden with my camera or in my craft room, come in through the gate, I'll make you a coffee or if it's after 6 you can join me in a glass or wine, or e-mail me. Housework is low on my 'to do' list.

What are you like?

What are you like? is a favourite expression of a friend of mine.
I typed the phrase into google and came across a blogpost by Kirsty Neal who talked about an exhibition in Dulwich Picture Gallery in 2008, that she didn’t see.
Still with me?
The exhibition was of works by artist-illustrators, painters, designers and public figures for whom drawing is important and was based on the Victorian parlour game in which players were asked to describe themselves through a series of drawings of their favourite things.
This gave me an idea of making a photographic collage of things that are β€˜me’

Of course you could do this by painting, cutting and pasting in the original way, drawing or as I have done, by taking pictures.

I would love to see What you are like?

This is me in 11 pictures (I started with 32!)
