What are you like?

What are you like? is a favourite expression of a friend of mine.
I typed the phrase into google and came across a blogpost by Kirsty Neal who talked about an exhibition in Dulwich Picture Gallery in 2008, that she didn’t see.
Still with me?
The exhibition was of works by artist-illustrators, painters, designers and public figures for whom drawing is important and was based on the Victorian parlour game in which players were asked to describe themselves through a series of drawings of their favourite things.
This gave me an idea of making a photographic collage of things that are ‘me’

Of course you could do this by painting, cutting and pasting in the original way, drawing or as I have done, by taking pictures.

I would love to see What you are like?

This is me in 11 pictures (I started with 32!)


8 thoughts on “What are you like?

  1. Neat idea. I like your collage of You. I am sure most of us are made up of so many parts, some of which would seem random to the un-knowning eye. But when we put all those pieces together, ah the creation that is uniquely us. Those Victorians were on to something …

  2. How funny … this post chimes with e for lots of reasons … firstly because Kirsty has provided the illustrations for my book and – where several of them are collected together on the front cover – they sum exactly what the book’s like. And, in serendipitious timing I’ve just posted the full book cover on my blog!

    And I was just thinking yesterday that my Instagram feed really does demonstrate the patterns of my life … so pretty much ‘what I am like’!

    p.s: I love the robin photo.

  3. I’ve always thought of this as a N Ireland expression. We certainly say it a lot round here, usually accompanied by a laugh and an affectionate roll of the eyes. I’ll be imagining it in different accents from now on!

  4. What an interesting idea and fascinating to see you in your collection! Your hyacinth bulb is doing beautifully … We use that phrase around here too – or the self-deprecating one “what am I like!”.

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