About Miriam Rogers

Hi, I have been married to Paul for what seems like forever & that's the way I want it to stay. We have a son, now 21 and a Greyhound who is bonkers. I play with paper and glue, I love flowers! and anything that I can hang from anywhere with ribbon. If you need me I can be found in the garden with my camera or in my craft room, come in through the gate, I'll make you a coffee or if it's after 6 you can join me in a glass or wine, or e-mail me. Housework is low on my 'to do' list.

Snap! and Snap! Helena.

Week 48

I couldn’t resist a quick walk in the garden in my nightie this morning! I wanted to share my beautiful frosty leaves with you, and the last of the roses and the glass on the green house, and the trees, and the… but in the true spirit of Helena’s meme Snap! here’s just four.

I just popped over to Helenas to copy her link for this week and I laughed out loud! Thanks Helena πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

The Fairy



Zephrine, her last flower.

Thank you Helena.

It’s beautifully sunny here now, I hope it is where you are.