Photo Heart Connection

Kat Sloma hosts a wonderful practice each month called Photo Heart Connection.

Deepen the connection between your photos and your heart and soul by participating in this monthly review of your images, to find the one that best connects to your heart.

September 2013

This time last year we were at my nieces fabulous wedding.
She had done so many beautiful little touches to make the wedding day sparkle. Not least of which were the flowers.
She had only White Mop Head Hydrangeas, either planted or cut and all in black containers. They were absolutely stunning. And all the crazy old aunts (yes me) were given a plant in a black square box to take home.
The wedding was the day before our wedding anniversary.
A year later we were away in a very beautiful village that has a castle on top of the hill. The woodlands surrounding the castle are heavily planted with Hydrangeas in every shape and colour; they were stunning in such a natural environment.
When I saw this white one, I took the picture with my phone and sent it to my niece with love and happy memories of a wonderful day.
I smiled when I saw (on my computer) the bug on the petal. My niece’s baby is due any day now.

white hydrangea

I forgot to post my PHC for August, I hope you won’t mind if I post it today?

August 2013

Brizzle Gromit

Yes it’s Gromit. That surprised you didn’t it?

This summer there has been the most wonderful art exhibition in Bristol called Gromit Unleashed.

Led by Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal and Aardman Animations, Gromit Unleashed is a public art exhibition in which giant sculptures of Gromit, decorated by invited artists, have been unleashed on the streets of Bristol and the surrounding area.

At the end of the art trail, the sculptures will be auctioned to raise funds for Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal, the Bristol Children’s Hospital Charity.

There are 80 of these five foot high, beautifully painted Gromits all around the city of Bristol.
One Sunday we decided to go to Clifton so that I could photograph the bridge and we came across Brizzel Gromit. (Brizzel is what Bristolians call their city)

Now I am not usually one to go wandering around an art trail like this but the people gathered around this Gromit were just so friendly, everyone was talking to everyone else, (not very British at all!) taking photos and comparing notes about how many they had seen and where they were. Some people like us were just out for the day. Some people had been around the city on a hop on, hop off bus to find them. One lady had photographed forty of them! and one family had travelled across the country to see them.
There were five in Clifton, inspired, we walked around the town with our own dog and found them.

My hobby has changed me, I am much more confident than I ever was. With my camera I can talk to people in the street, I ask people if I can take their photo and I feel inspired to go on an art trail. I won’t be able to see any more of this one until the whole exhibition comes together in one place later in September.
So my Photo Heart Connection: Brizzel Gromit tells me how much I have grown in confidence and how much fun there is taking in a trail like this. Get out there, make pictures, have fun.

I thought you might like to see my little collection of Gromits.


11 thoughts on “Photo Heart Connection

  1. These are both wonderful PHC’s. I love what the gromits say about you as a photographer and the sweet, sweet hydrangea couple expecting their baby bug.

  2. I loved reading the story behind the white hydrangea. So sweet, and just so lovely that a baby is expected any day! :o)

    Your Gromit photos are lovely, and I agree that photography has really opened me up to a different way of life. I really enjoyed your post today, Miriam.

  3. Great photo-heart connections! I would love to see the hydrangeas growing in the wild – I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. And I love the Gromits! (We had Bears here in Winnipeg a few years ago. Some of them now reside in the grounds of our provincial legislature building.) It’s interesting how a camera can change the way we see the world and interact with it.

  4. beautiful hydrangea and lovely to see the grommits – I saw a news piece on the final exhibit and how many people took part – good to see you were part of it all

  5. The white hydrangea is a lovely photo-heart connection! I also enjoyed seeing all the fun Gromits – Wallace and Gromit are favorites of mine. These reminded me of when painted, life-size cows were displayed as art installations in several cities around the USA a few years back. I thought it was a silly idea at first, but came to appreciate them! They were so creatively decorated and many were quite beautiful.

  6. I’m glad you posted both August and September together! Two Photo-Heart Connections for the visit of one. It sounds like you have such a lovely memory of your neices wedding! And I love Wallace and Grommit. What a fun thing to go out hunting with your camera. Isn’t it wonderful how art can bring people together?

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