Scavenger Hunt

More items found and photographed for Rinda’s wonderful Scavenger Hunt 2013. I love how when I am out and about I see something that is ‘on the list’ Apart from the windmill which I went looking for the rest I just happened upon.




Item 16 windmill

How are you getting on with the hunt?

6 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt

  1. Well done on finding that windmill, Miriam..seemingly there used to be a few around here, but they’ve all gone now!
    Alison xx

  2. What fun finds! I love, love, love that your tracked down a real tower windmill. I put it on the list at least partially to make myself go photograph the windmills in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Plus, I love to see those found by others,

  3. I am so impressed by your dedication and research skills! Think I might have to travel a long way :). You are clearly on the ball with your camera at all times!

  4. your sunset is beautiful and good for the soul. Crazy golf is a good idea for a windmill – if not I’ll have to go the modern route and get one of the wind turbines

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