Shadows and Reflections

I am endlessly fascinated by shadows and reflections and have been inspired by Helena’s Look Up Look Down post this week to post some images I have made recently.

On my windowsil
B7W plants7x5

In the harbour
Reflection boats7x5

At the zoo
reflection.flamingo b&w

In the birds water bath
The reflections you see are reflected in the water which you can’t see, I wonder, does that make it a shadow?
Water bath

In the harbour

In the Park
Park 5x7

Rags to Stitches update: Nellie the Elephant has wandered off…It may be next week before I track her down. Apologies if, like me, you are now humming that song!

6 thoughts on “Shadows and Reflections

  1. love them (mmm the elephant mmm) the one with the invisible water is intriguing (mm mm and said goodbye mm mm) I do love reflections and shadows as well as the fact it means there is sun (mm trumpetty trump mm mm mm)

  2. These are beautiful, Miriam! I love them all, but I think my favourites are the harbour shots.

    I like taking photographs of shadows and reflections, too. I was trying to think about the difference between them today. Let’s see, shadows are formed when the sun is blocked by an object and reflections are light reflecting from objects onto the water (or glass or whatever) and then into your eye. So reflections change as you move, but shadows don’t. I think! And at that point, I gave up and just took pictures!

    PS Hope Nellie shows up soon!

  3. Your reflection and shadow photos are amazing! Every once in awhile, I’ll notice a particularly nice reflection, but I am not in the habit of looking for them. I’m going to try to be more aware now, thanks to your wonderful collection.

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