Photo Art Friday

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art gave us a great challenge this week.

Make a piece of digital art using a new texture she gave us, one other of her textures and one or more of our own pictures.
Wave a bit of digital magic over them until you feel happy with what you see. For me it was like I had been let loose in a flower shop. “One of everything please”

Postcards from Brighton
Postcards from Brighton

The gallery is open for browsing right here

14 thoughts on “Photo Art Friday

  1. Looks like you were up for the challenge! My favourite here is the first one of the gerbra transformed. The pastel colours are so pretty and almost melt together. The textures make the piece look like a collage of delicate tissue papers. The totally abstract quality of the last piece also intrigues me and draws me in.

  2. Wow…I love them all, but I’m drawn to the post card from Brighton and the one of you.

    Thanks for your dropping by my blog and for your kind words.

    Capture Life,

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