A Simple Moment

Two posts in the same day?
That’s because I messed up my schedule for yesterday!

Alexa at Trimming the Sails host this lovely meme around this time of every month.

Sharing a simple moment today Saturday 15th December 2012.

My Mac tells me it is 07:09
It is dark outside my window: I have drawn the curtains back and can see the lights of an aircraft leaving Bristol airport. I wonder where they are going? On a holiday? Or home maybe?
I can hear radio five playing, the sound drifts up from downstairs, Paul is there making tea and although I can’t see him I know he will be tidying the kitchen. I left it untidy last night; I was just too tired to be awake any longer. He is such a good man.
I have just heard Bens alarm ring, he has to be up for work. They were still giggling last night at midnight.
He was in late but he was still ready to regale us with more stories from dealing with ‘the public’
I am feeling pleased that the night is over, I was up every two hours, probably over tired, my brain was still whirring when my head hit the pillow.
I love this time on my Mac: just me and the quiet of the morning. I usually type up my journal (Advent /JYC at the moment) rather than look at the Internet at this time of day.
On my desk are two projects that I have on the go at the moment. Advent pages printed yesterday, waiting to be trimmed and an almost finished Father Christmas. I have one of those hard wine tubes/boxes currently wrapped in a red fur coat that I cut from a Christmas hat! I have the face & hat to make and the whole thing to be ‘finished’. My desk and me are covered in red furry bits!

I am thinking about the things I want to do today. The usual weekend type chores but with lots of Christmassy things too.
I have started to decorate the house, it feels strange because it is earlier than I would usually do so but having a few folks arriving hither and thither I need it done this year.

Lotta has asked me to make her a Shepherds or Cottage pie. She has never eaten it before as she doesn’t usually eat red meat but for some reason she has a yen for it. She knows it is Traditional British Comfort Food, it has been snowing where she is, she is feeling the cold and is missing ‘home cooked food’…No pressure then?

Her alarm has just made its tinkling, girly sound, Oh! I do love having her here. She was happy last night, even though there were problems at the airport and she was over an hour late and it would be three hours until Ben came in.

Paul has brought me a cup of tea. We will return to bed and chatter while ‘next door’ are getting up.

Thank you so much Alexa for this lovely monthly quiet time.

5 thoughts on “A Simple Moment

  1. A wonderful read, Miriam … I am sad to hear that your nights are disturbed, and hope that resolves soon. How lovely to have Lotta – sounds like you will be busy with warmly domestic things! Your detailed description made me feel as if I was opening the curtains too. I am so pleased you’ve enjoyed a moment of peacefulness and shared it with us.

  2. Such a picturesque retelling of your moment. I, too, revel in the early, quiet moments at the start of each day. Without, I expect I’d not manage too well. I hope you are soon able to sleep through the nights. Enjoy your family and the holidays.


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