Days in December

I have my days 13 and 14 to share with you today. Later than I had hoped but I have had a busy day getting ready for Lotta arriving. Yesterday Ben was tidying his room ready for his girl to arrive, well actually he was tidying because his mother said if it didn’t look better and cleaner than this I would put her in the spare room! Anyhow, I asked him if he wanted his Christmas tree on his desk and maybe he could put his Christmas lights up? He wondered if I was coming in ‘to decorate’ for him?
Today while he is at work Paul & I have decorated for him! Pictures will follow, he hasn’t see it yet!

5 thoughts on “Days in December

  1. These are so pretty Miriam! I haven’t been following the prompts this year, but you have me intrigued by the “White Christmas” fact. Funny, it feels like we have had a few White Christmases lately. Some welcome, some not I guess!

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