Hello This Week


Hello to a very busy week at work with five new visits
Hello to a sore throat then
Hello to the last few days of October
Hello to blood tests
Hello to a craft evening on Tuesday
Hello to remembering my mum, this is her birthday week
Hello to All Hallows Eve on Wednesday
Hello to November and All Saints Day on Thursday, this feast day used to scare me when I was a child
Hello to my day off on Friday
Hello to a week of autumnal pictures, I am hoping to post one every day

I used two French Kiss Textures on my Monday Munchkin Pumpkin picture
and I am linking to Mandarin Orange Monday today.

9 thoughts on “Hello This Week

  1. Wonderful photo … a real piece of art. This would make a stunning poster, Miriam. Hoping your visits go well – I can appreciate the energy they will take, especially during a time of remembering. Will be thinking of you and your Mum too.

  2. I love the circular composition of your image and the soft textures which contrast with the shiny, bright orange pumpkin. I like this image very much:)
    Thank you for sharing it on Mandarin Orange Monday:)

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