
Today my life looks like this:

Outside My Window: the sky is grey; it is raining and has been for a few days now. The evenings are getting darker earlier.
I am hearing: the sound of my dog dreaming, she barks, it is the only time you hear her voice. She is, as always, right beside me.
I am watching: for the post, I am eagerly waiting for a new book.
I am thinking: about my mother, October is/was (I never know which) her birthday month. The pain of her going is less but the missing is more. The clocks alter on the weekend of her birthday and it will be Halloween.
I am thankful: for the peace in our lives. The news is not so good for some families.
I am learning: how to paint and draw, it makes me happy, my confidence is building.
I am busy:
creating a daily art project using Daisy Yellow Prompts. It ran through August & September but I couldn’t do it until now.
taking a photo of the sky everyday in October.
keeping up with a photo a day on my iPhone
A few plans: I want to pick up my fabric book again. It is resting just now, but I have put it on my desk, it is one step closer…
I want to start an art journal.
A quote:
“Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” Marilyn Monroe. Someone sent it to me recently, I can’t tell you how loudly it resonates for me just now.
In the garden: I have three roses in flower, daisy’s brightening up the lawn, Verbena in full bloom, Weigela blooming again: the garden is confused.
In the Kitchen:
Summer in winter chicken. Chicken breasts stuffed with a herby soft cheese.
• Slice a pocket in the chicken breast
• Spread about a dessertspoon of soft cheese into the pocket and close up. It doesn’t really need string, just press it closed
• Put the stuffed chicken on the base of a shallow dish
• Cover the whole thing with cherry tomatoes, a little seasoning, and sprig of thyme
• Cover and roast in the oven for about 30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chicken breast

I will serve it with tiny new potatoes and green beans tonight.
Quick and delicious.
And a picture: October morning

How are you?

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