Being me

I have wanted to learn how to paint or draw since I was a little girl.

At secondary school we had the most wonderful art room at the top of the tower block, which was the main classroom building. It was a circular room with views all over the fields that surrounded the school.
The room smelled of paints as you would expect and had piles of paper, trays of ink, pots of brushes and other students work lining the room. I thought it was magical.
I remember painting an old-fashioned gas lit lamppost complete with curlicues, my background was the night sky. In my mind and memory it was perfect.
The magic quickly became horror as my painting was described as hopeless!

So, obviously ‘I can’t paint’

A few weeks ago I was home sick from work with a very sore throat and ear ache, plus a hundred other aches and pains. I got out my box of watercolour paints and found a tutorial on YouTube by Matthew Palmer and followed along. I had fun! and nobody told me it was hopeless.

1st attempt

I got the paints out again and had another try having sent Paul to ‘The Range’ in town to get a new grey and some better paper. Although I quite liked my purple heather mountains I thought I should try some sort of grey! to please Matthew. Memories of school returning?

2nd attempt.

I had more fun and found it relaxing and of course I wasn’t using my voice, which has to be a good thing but best of all:

Nobody told me it was hopeless.

Then I looked at the pot of lavender on my desk and got some more paper and more paint and these emerged.

and lots more followed.

Then I read Alexa’s blog post about painted journal pages and she pointed me here
And this happened

And then I played with washi tape and this happened
and Washi tape animals are coming out all over the place here.
And then I read about Blind Drawing and this happened

And then I was inspired by Ruth, and Hopeful Girl. Ruth was pleased to meet Pearl so I feel I can introduce her to you.

This is the first time I have drawn a face that looks like a face! I blame it on my hormones!

Oh my, how much fun is this?
Please be kind, I am feeling very vulnerable about showing you my adventures with paint and a pencil….If you like them I have lots more to show you x

8 thoughts on “Being me

  1. Miriam, they are beautiful – I particularly love the landscapes which feel very Scottish. Please keep sharing your art

  2. I feel so cross with the person who told you your work was hopeless! >:( Everything you’ve shared here is just beautiful, I’m very impressed. I’m so glad you overcame that damaging and thoughtless remark, and I hope you’ll produce many more beauties in future, because you clearly have a knack for it xx

  3. What lovely pieces! I love the giraffe especially, but honestly I think I’d be more than delighted to produce any one of these. I was a C Grade student at Art in school and I still barely know one end of a paint brush from the other..but you can really do it!

  4. I am just beginning to explore the world of art…you have done a wonderful job of exploring and closing your eyes and jumping right in….that is what I have been doing and it really is exhilarating.

  5. Glorious, Miriam! I too love the giraffe :), and also your second landscape in particular – really luminous. My copy of Imaginary Animals has just arrived today and I am inordinately excited! Sharing your discovery of drawing and painting and looking forward to hopefully being a journey companion. I will be cheering you on!

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