Learn Something New Every Day

Although I have finished my LSNED project I haven’t printed all the pages yet. I was looking for a way to put them altogether, perhaps my ‘Project Life’ album?, Spiral bound with the Bind-it-all? and then I saw Julie Kirks beautiful LSNED folder. She left a link for the blank book and I had my answer. As the folder is suitable for 4 x 6 pages and my LSNED pages are 5 x 7 I looked around for a similar folder to suit my pages. I couldn’t find anything and then got distracted, as you do, and went off to do something else. But I really loved the idea of a folder rather than a binder.

I was putting the breakfast things away and opened up an empty cereal packet for ease of re-cycling and had a Ha Ha! moment.
A few minutes later the now flat cereal packet was measured, cut and stuck I had the beginnings of a folder.

I love it! It was supposed to be a prototype, only just holding together with masking tape. But I really liked it! I taped over the plain masking tape with some Washi tape, decided brads would hold the pockets closed nicely and then wondered for a while how to keep it closed. I didn’t think ribbon ties were quite right.
Later in the day I came across a huge paperclip, problem solved.

Of course I could paint over it or cover it in paper but I won’t, not this time.

What do you think?

Thank you Julie x

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