Thank You!

I have been very touched by so many messages while I have been away, thank you! You are lovely x

How to get back to blogging then? Believe me I have thought of so many ways over the last few weeks but confidence alluded me.

Then the rain stopped and the sun came out and I decided to begin as though I had never stopped. How does that sound?

The only plants surviving in my garden are the nettles and the bindweed. The rain has spoilt my roses just the same as everyone’s, except “The Fairy”. She just keeps blossoming and blooming and protecting the now giant nettles that wind their way up through her thorny branches.
I have given up fighting them and decided to photograph them instead.

I love learning new things, do you? here’s some things I didn’t know about stinging nettles:

The British species of stinging nettle, belongs to the genus Urtica from the Latin, uro, to burn.

It is a strange fact that the juice of the nettle proves an antidote for its own sting, and being applied will bring instant relief: as does the juice of the dock, which is usually found in close proximity to the nettle but you must slowly repeat this charm:

‘Nettle in, dock out.
Dock rub nettle out!’

(Oooh I love spells!)

Rubbing the part of you that is stinging, with rosemary, mint or sage leaves may also cure the sting of a nettle. That sounds much nicer than dock in my opinion. Although you can’t beat a good jump up and down shouting about not wearing gloves and other such things!

In Britain more than thirty insects feed solely on the nettle but flies don’t like the plant, and a fresh bunch of stinging nettles will keep a larder free from them.

Do let me know if you try this! It is the sort of thing that Mother-in-law would try, where as, even if I had a pantry I would sting myself reaching to get something!

I am adding my picture to The Dictionary of Image over on Flickr. Take a look if you have a moment. There are some great pictorial definitions to look at. I have also linked to Texture Tuesday today over at Kim Klassen’s Café

How’s your garden surviving?

About Stinging Nettles

5 thoughts on “Thank You!

  1. What a lovely surprise to see you in the reader today Miriam!
    I have only been stung by nettles once, and I learnt my lesson – your second image is beautiful and dreamy!

  2. Lovely to see you, Miriam! Such a nice surprise to find you posting again … And our garden is extremely lush and green with lots of growth but very little in the way of flowers. The penstemons are doing well as is the Albertine rose and I am sure I saw a bit of flowering honeysuckle somewhere but on the whole, it’s just soggy. And boggy. Your stinging nettle photos are lovely, especially that first one.

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