Ten on the Tenth

I love the BBC iPlayer.
I like to be able to watch TV when it suits me, which is usually when I am sewing, or sticking and gluing.

For Shimelle’s Ten on the Tenth, which I forgot about this month, I made a list of the last ten programmes I saw on the iPlayer.
If they are still available I have put a link in.
Apologies, but the BBC iPlayer is still only available in the UK.

Granny’s moving in.
Which was interesting but too much like work for me.

Jimmy McGovern’s latest drama, Accused.
I loved Moving On and The Street and this was not disappointing. There are six stories in the series, I’ve seen three, a little harrowing at times but beautifully acted.

The Very Hungry Frenchman Raymond Blanc.
He makes me laugh in this series. I have always been interested in the food of France, Yes it’s a foodie programme but I like the look of the regions it is filmed in and it cheers me up when it’s raining here. I choose to ignore the fact that RB has unlimited resources and plenty of help in his kitchen!

True Stories
The stories behind ten people who changed the world. I loved this: I learnt so many interesting bits & pieces.
Elizabeth Fry, the prison reformer is pictured on the reverse of the £5 note.
I laughed when I found myself checking!
I didn’t know Dr Thomas Barnardo opened the Ragged Schools before he opened his children’s homes.
And I didn’t know anything about Grace Darling.

Call the midwife.
Set in the East End of London in the fifties. Funny, touching and of course it is a true story.
Excellent even though “there was a lot of wailing” said husband
“What do you expect, it’s about giving birth!” I scorned. And I loved Miranda Hart in it

I’m not sure about this one. I liked Pauline Quirk playing comedy, I’m not sure I believe her in this one.

What can I say, just wonderful. I have ordered the DVD.

The Great Barrier Reef.

Whenever I see pictures of the reef I am just so astonished at how enormous and how beautiful it is.

Country File.
I watched this one as it was set on the Isle of Wight, and we had only just spent the weekend there.

The Golden Age of Canals.
I have spent many lovely times on the canals, living near to one, holiday’s and staying with family who lived and worked on the canals. The programme has some wonderful old film from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

So, mostly real life & wild life for me… Is there anything on TV that you like to watch?

I noticed as I took the screen shot that there is a Gardeners World on, with Monty Don. Now where’s that pile of mending…

Linking this to Shimelle, who has a wonderful looking cupcake at the top of her post and lots of interesting lists attached.

9 thoughts on “Ten on the Tenth

  1. Hi Miriam

    A great 10 – I must have missed the canal programme so will catch up with that, we love our narrowboating holidays!!

    The Fish convention is a weekend event – Fish was the lead singer of Marillion back in the 80s but left in 1989 to pursue a solo career and is still making his own music. Every couple of years he puts on a weekend event so will have gigs on Saturday and Sunday night and in the daytimes fans will meet up in various pubs in the town to socialise.

    Karen x

  2. I loved the Call the Midwife series…..I was born in 1950 so some of the tunes were familiar to me and I was born at home with my mum attended by the midwife 🙂
    There is NO WAY I could go up on our roof….. I handed the camera, through the bathroom skylight, to one of the workmen who kindly took the photos there! 🙂
    Thanks for the comment on my blog 🙂

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog for Ten Things!

    Sounds like a great list of shows. We rarely watch TV at all unless it’s (American) football season here.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. I am looking forward to the Midwife series making it’s way down here, as so many BBC shows do.
    The Barrier Reef is spectacular, but a lot of it has faded – the animal life is what astounded me, the reef itself reminded me of mould growing out of control!

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