Miss Smith said to take my sketch for a ride, actually I think she may have said spin, following instructions was never my strong point! Anyway I had a play and came up with this.
Making a paper page doesn’t come easily to me. It takes me hours of faffing, leaving, choosing, not liking it, faffing, re-choosing, replacing bits, taking away bits (actually I like that bit!) until l I give in and call it done.
Titles are the worst bit. What title, how to make it, what size to make it, where to place it…..
When I see the Sumac or Staghorn in it’s beautiful Autum colours, I think of my mother. She had so many of them growing in her garden, the suckers used to spring up everywhere but she would never cut them out! She really loved their beautiful Autumn colours and took endless photo’s of them…much like me.
I think we are flipping for the next sketch, I am so behind it will probably be Shrove Tuesday before I get around to it!
I know how you feel about paper pages … I am not sure I could manage one these days!
I love the colours in this page though Miriam and the story is beautiful.
It may have been a struggle, but the end result is lovely!
Taking your sketch for a ride – I love that thought!
A lovely vibrant page – with a great memory. We once lived in a house with one of these in the garden and I couldn’t believe the number of plantlets it produced. I love the metal flower mixed with the paper ones…
Beautiful work, Miriam. I like making cards, but as you said, to make them don’t come easily in my case. Last time I make b-day card it took me 2 days and very sore fingers.