Journal Your Christmas

I have my pages 30th & 31st December and 2nd January to share with you. I posted the first of January as my story for Sian’s wonderful Story Telling Sunday.

I usually finish my journal on Christmas day but this year I decided to try to stick with it until 12th night! Having the pages ready and one day one story approach has been great for me.
I have seen so many beautiful journals on the forum this year I am so looking forward to having my pages printed and turning ‘the project’ into a book to hold.

3 thoughts on “Journal Your Christmas

  1. I admire anyone who keeps going til Twelfth Night! I finish up on Christmas Day every year, so I don’t feel guilty if I don’t get round to doing any more afterwards.

    Your pages are always an enjoyable read Miriam

  2. I always love your pages. I had to laugh when I got to the last sentence in “Looking Forward.” I thought retirement would give me just that kind of time, but the days slip by, busier than ever. You have quite a list. I’ve signed on for Project 365 this year with a better attitude. I’m doing a photo-a-day with my iPhone, and if the occasion or the prompt (see the “Capture Your 365” blog) moves me, I work on a better photo with my Rebel. I’m also signed up for Cathy Z’s class on working with text at BPC, and want to sign up at Studio Calico for a February class with Amy Tan on making better use of my kits.

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